First let me apologize for not getting out the Wonderful Wednesday and for the delay of Freaky Friday this week. The Ripp Report has been following many different issues throughout the County and this last week was especially busy.

In Fairhope the City Council believes that the citizens elected them to make all the decisions for the community. It only takes three votes of the council for a decision to be made. The Fairhope Council does not understand that they are suppose to LISTEN to their constituents. All their constituents.

Think about that! Three votes and a decision can be made by a Council, without hearing a word from their constituents.

Fairhope is trying a little something different and if it works it will greatly enhance Community Engagement. Let’s hope the Council is listening.

100 people attended the April 3rd round table discussion on the K-1 Center. There will also be a couple of future public meeting on the subject of K-1 for those who could not attend the April 3rd meeting. The results of all that public input will be presented to the Fairhope City council. Will the Council listen to a hundred voices? Or depend on 3 votes?