$5000.00 CASH REWARD

$5000.00 CASH REWARD

The Ripp Report and BCLE are offering a $5k cash award to anyone who can prove that the contents of the formal complaint against Councilman Jack Burrell of Fairhope are false. Prove that the documents quoted or provided are fabricated or altered from their original copies or that there is any willful malicious intent to mislead the public for any reason or to unlawfully disparage Mr. Burrell by making fictitious claims or providing erroneous documents, and you will be five thousand dollars ($5k) richer.

The entire complaint can be reviewed, https://rippreport.com/caught-trap-like-rat/.

Mr. Burrell has been dodging any questions related to the allegations set forth in the complaint. His weak kneed explanations never address the facts. He uses his position as Council President and Airport Authority Board member to limit any public comment or questions directed towards him.

Mr. Burrell has chosen instead to use the tired, old strategy of “shoot the messenger” and vague explanations that have little or no bearing to the stated facts or related questions.

Mr. Burrell has chosen instead to single out the Mayor as the responsible party of the complaint. The Ripp Report is incensed that we have not been given credit for our investigative efforts that resulted in the complaint.

Burrell has huffed and puffed about suing the Mayor, for what? We do not know! He has accused the other bidders of sour grapes because they lost the bid in question. This could not be further from the truth as the parties in question were less than cooperative with our investigation.

Mr. Burrell would have to be on the moon not to understand the origin of the complaint and allegations levied against him are coming from The Ripp Report. He should direct his threats against the responsible party and realize before he threatens to sue the mayor that the Ripp Report is 3 and 0 in that department and there is such a thing as counter suit.

Of course all that is moot since any attorney worth his salt would advise Jack of these facts and that litigation based on the merits of his explanation would be fruitless.

This reward is offered in part due to the lack of main stream media coverage of the complaint and its allegations. The media is well aware of the serious nature of the complaint and has full access to the documents. The main characters involved are a Municipal Judge, an attorney and a City Councilman, ask yourself why would main stream media not cover such a high profile case?

One of the major allegations involved in the complaint is that Mr. Burrell, as well as family members have received free airplane transportation by the winning bidder, while he served as an elected official. That folks is receiving something of value. Mr. Burrell was directly involved with the selection of the bid which so happens to be the same entity.

In the interest of fair play we would like to challenge Mr Burrell to post the same reward in his own defense.

Stop blowing smoke Jack and blaming everyone else for YOUR actions, put your money where your mouth is.