The good ole boy network in Baldwin County is connected by LLC’s. One LLC may cover another LLC that covers another LLC, making it almost impossible to determine who owns what. Elected officials, such as city council members and county commissioners hide their business and personal connections to these LLC’S. By doing this, they are able to vote and promote their own interests without being discovered. Or so they thought.

The Ethics commission in Alabama has failed in its mission of enforcing any ethical standards. In fact, in many cases they have turned a blind eye to complaints or procrastinated enough that the complaint evaporates. This has created and encouraged many elected officials to ignore the very rules that were designed to protect the citizens of the state. The Ethics Commission has actually created a path for the elected officials to manipulate the ethics rules through the use of informal and advisory opinions. The bottom line is that the court of public opinion is often the only option citizens have in exposing obvious conflicts of interest involving public officials.

Recently we published copies of LLC’s connecting Fairhope city councilman Kevin Boone to individuals that are a clear conflict of interest relative to Mr. Boone’s voting on several issues.

Mr. Boone has been voting and advocating for particular engineer firms while eliminating others. He also has enjoyed handsome campaign contributions from the same LLC’s that he has a financial interest in.

Mr. John Avent, of Preble -Rich/Dewberry http://www.zoominfo.com/p/John_Avent/1710558213.

Mr. Boone has several LLC’s with Mr. Avent. Mr Avent has a share of Baldwin County Sewer. Mr. Boone has adamantly fought against any suggestions by Fairhope’s newly elected Mayor to hire an engineering firm with fresh eyes to evaluate their utility infrastructure. Again, Mr. Boone did not recuse himself from the vote or acknowledge any conflicts of interest, instead he voted for his best interest and tried his best to humiliate the Mayor.

County commissioner Tucker Dorsey is tied in with all the same individuals and a multitude of LLC’s.

Tucker’s ambition is to replace State Senator Trip Pittman who used his office to fleece Fairhope out of BP money.

County Commissioner Chris Elliott is jockeying for the Probate Judge position and reversed course on owning the DUI he got.

From Fairhope to County Commissioner’s to our State Senator we the people in Baldwin County have elected self serving representatives who are all connected with one another through a web of LLC’s.

The Ethics commission is of little or no help. Until public participation wins through The Court of Public Opinion, or somebody goes to jail, nothing will change.

In Fairhope we have two councilmen, Boone and Burrell, who are using every tactic possible to obstruct the Mayor and her efforts to implement transparency and accountability. They know if they lose control of Fairhope it will impact the entire county and jeopardize a well oiled corrupt machine that has been in operation for over 50 years.

Please help us stop Goobers Jack Burrell and Kevin Boone.

Fairhope depends on your help!