The backwards backpedaling Fauxhope City Council had to eat crow when it came to eliminating public participation at council meetings. Of course the matter of free speech and public participation was front and center when they denied yours truly the right to speak. The public outcry was resounding and the council got the message loud and clear. Councilman Jack Burrell threw Councilman Martin under the bus. Jack said he was surprised to see the item on the agenda. Ask Jack if he had to go to federal court for denying public participation?

WAKE up Fauxhope and start getting candidates to replace the developer elected Council and especially the Mayor.

“With all due respect, I was a little surprised that this was on here when I found out last week,” Burrell said. “I am adamantly opposed to changing it whatsoever.” If Jacks lips are moving then he is lying. He got sued in federal court and handed his hat. This is the same Jack that said they would build the estimated 3.2 Billion dollar Bay Bridge, without federal dollars.

Watch his lips!

I bet only 1 or 2 % of the voters in Fairhope know that not one city council person, the mayor or the appointed municipal attorney and municipal judge have been elected or appointed for there 5th year in office. The Alabama legislature thought it necessary to postpone municipal elections in 2024 due to the presidential election. A free year in office, full family insurance and the ability to make decisions for Fairhope’s future, without a single vote cast. Only in Alabama.

Full title:FRANCIS PAUL RIPP, Plaintiff, v. JACK BURRELL, etc., Defendant.


6 million

The fields not being level has come up many times and mostly by the kids playing on the fields. What started at an estimated 3.5 million is now approaching 6 million, for a sub standard facility that more resembles practice fields not tournaments fields.

No trees, No shade, No seats, Not enough parking, Sub standard construction, poor drainage. The city promised millions in soccer tournaments which ended up millions short.

6.2 million

The City of Fairhope’s 6.2 million dollar waterfront project became a political hot potato during the last municipal election. Politicians put their feet in their mouths and now are trying to spin a new narrative. The new narrative will be what Mayor Sullivan and the, other Mayor, Jack Burrell want.

What the hell happened? The Mayor and Council are 4 years behind. Where did the money go? Where did the grant go? How much did it cost in design work that was never utilized?

2.65 million

The citizens of Fairhope must know that they are being sold out by developers, the city council and those with appointed positions, such as municipal judge. In the mist of the Fairhope budget process the CATALYST Council, Boone Burrell and Brown are proposing a 2.65 million dollar purchase, supported by a questionable appraisal, for recreation land that will not be used for years.

This was an absolute scam, just like the soccer fields. Boone Burrell and Brown should have been investigated over this purchase.

11.2 million

The Triangle was a “Legal Settlement” of 8.25 million, NOT a purchase.

This was after 3 million in law fees, that was guaranteed by Attorney Cain O rear, who represented the city and promised the City they would be refunded legal fees, in litigation.

That did not happen.

That’s 27 million dollars on failed or incomplete projects and Fauxhope infrastructure is 20 years behind. That is why they would rather the citizens of Fauxhope NOT have an opportunity to question the UN-elected council and mayor.