Being a Mayor has challenges that most of us cannot relate to. From the mundane to serious issues, everyday brings something different Fairhope’s Mayor Wilson took office with no transition from the last administration. One day she is a businesswomen the next she is Mayor, now that is a learning curve. Her next experience was that the elected City Council went into obstruction mode and made it perfectly clear they would oppose the Mayor’s every effort. The sad thing is that the Council’s actions has hurt the city and they have the dubious reputation of being the worst council in recent history.

People seize on the opportunity to be critical of some things and are more than willing to look the other way on maybe a much more serious issue. Serious issues have come up about three councilmen who have used their elected office for financial or personal gain.

One thing no one can take from Mayor Wilson is the excellent hires she has made, they far exceed the previous administrations staff. She has also NOT used her office for personal gain.

Her latest hire set the council and police chief on fire. The council and chief claim they were not contacted about a new police Sargent being hired for public safety. At the same time the police chief and council have not been willing to meet with the Mayor over some issues. Fact is they have been on a campaign to embarrass the Mayor with numerous allegations since her election, nothing has stuck.

Well here we go again, people are willing to overlook the corruption within the council, to complain about a police Sargent. The council and chief have complained that the Mayor did not communicate with them prior to the hire. I guess it is OK for them not to communicate with the Mayor but not vice versa.

The Mayor posted on Facebook the new hire:

Let’s hope the Police Chief is successful, at least he is trying to solve the problem while the corrupt council pours salt on the wound.

Here is another post the Mayor shared and it got little or no credit. The driving force behind the Restore Act funds was the Mayor’s office. This has been a priority since she was elected and the council spent little or no time on it and attended few Restore Act Meetings.

This is $17.8 million dollars for four Fairhope projects including 10 million for sewer infrastructure. Two councilman, Boone and Burrell, ignored the sewer infrastructure issues for four years. They voted to spend 10 million on upgrading the sewer plant while spending not a dime on infrastructure to the plant. That 10 million grew to over 13 million by time the plant was completed.

You win some and lose some. Those critical of the police hire should take a breath and realize how significant the Restore Act funds are, it will save taxpayers 17.8 million. What should take center stage? Saving $17.8 million or a new hire for Public Safety? Back seat quarterbacks focus on the negative and never mention the positive.

Thank you Mayor for your hard work on the Restore Act funds awarded Fairhope.