A Year of Plague

119,377,408 SARS-COV-2 cases confirmed worldwide with a total of 2,644,000 deaths; with 29,395,000 cases in the USA with 534,196 deaths; 503,305 cases in Alabama with 10,327 deaths; 1.7 M vaccine doses delivered, 1.2 M administered.

After a Year of living with the Plague in our lives the Congress has passed and the President signed into law this week a “Coronavirus Relief Bill” that will expand government welfare programs (sans the need to be actively looking for a job) w/ “Shelbyian Pork” to boot.

The former Duke and Duchess of Sussex gave an interview this week to Oprah Winfrey, doing their part, driving yet another stake in the heart of the British Royal Family.

Lee County District Attorney (suspended) Brandon Hughes has been hit with more charges related to the use of his office for personal gain.

The House Seat for District 73 is up for grabs in a special election next month and the candidates have “graveyards” not skeletons.

Alabama inmate Toforest Johnson, wrongfully convicted of being a copy killer in the 1990’s, he will soon get his real day in Court (a good ‘ole railroading yarn).

People are being mean to Mo Brooks, Alabama can teach Yoga as a PE activity, AG Steve Marshall sues the Feds over the Census, the Gaming Bill is dead but a new bill for a Lottery Only has been introduced.

Governor Cuomo now has a sixth woman accusing him of inappropriate sexual activities.

The Ripp Report and Lagniappe were replete with quality stories from the Fairhope Council appointment without Citizen Input; revelations in the Johnathan Victor police officer involved shooting, mandatory diversity training at the University of South Alabama (as a parlay related to the BS picture of a nimrod staff member in Confederate Uniform).

The public intoxication appeal from Fairhope Municipal Court will be heard by Judge Clarke Stankoski on Tuesday (2018 incident). The Assault Charges related to the injuries sustained by Paula DiNardi were dismissed because the original pleading/charging document was defective (or sabotaged or worse).