In Fairhope, a conservation easement involving city property has become an issue for the entire county, all 14 municipalities. A conservation easement in a municipality is radically different than one in rural or coastal areas. In a municipality you have limited land and at the rate of growth our county is experiencing, why would a municipality give away control and management to a third party?

Municipal land should remain municipal land and any transfer of land, or management, should be voted on by the citizens of the community.

Fairhope City Council, in their endeavor to, EXECUTE, a Conservation Easement, without public input, is political corrupt. The council has shown on a regular basis their loyalty to developer Aurther Corte, this is just another example.

Please sign the petition:

Political corruption is an accurate description of what is happening in Fairhope. Below are some posts from a couple of years ago. Spend 10 minutes and read them and you will see what a good ole boy deal

looks like and who the players are.

Councilman Brown and Burrell live next door to the triangle property, yet they refuse to recuse themselves from voting on the Conservation Easement. Instead they have been the biggest advocates of this un-armed robbery.Councilman Boone and Burrell stuck Fairhope citizens with wetlands while letting the developer off the hook. This dirty trick was at the last council meeting of the Can’t term and was the last item on the agenda. AGAIN they favor the developer over the community and hid the facts from the public.In bed with the present council is Weeks Bay, Diana Brewer, who gets credit for this sneaky deal. Her track record speaks for itself, she is no friend of Fairhope.## PLEASE SUPPORT MAYOR WILSON, CITIZEN RIGHTS, OUR QUALITY OF LIFE AND FAIRHOPE’S MOST VALUABLE ASSET, OUR LAND