Remember those who lost their lives 18 years ago, September 11 2001, NEVER FORGET

The biggest consumer issue in Baldwin County, the $6.00 toll, was defeated by a poll. The poll numbers rose until they reached a figure that terrified every elected official in Baldwin County. When the petition reached the 50,000 mark, elected officials hit their knees.

The NEW consumer issue that faces every citizen in Baldwin County is sewer regulation. Lagniappe has written three in depth articles about Baldwin County Sewer Service, BC$$. The three articles will be soon available in a combined format, on line. The Ripp Report will publish the link when available.

Baldwin County now has a “NEW” consumer issue that effects every citizen in the county, sewer regulation.

Mr Richard Dayton of GlenLakes subdivision in Foley is leading the charge.

“I got involved because the rates [BCSS] charges for sewage in Baldwin County are totally unregulated,” he said. “The worst part is if tomorrow BCSS decided to charge $154.50 per month, there would be nothing we could do and our sewage would be turned off if we didn’t pay. They are a monopoly.”

Regulate Sewage Fees

19,000 homes in Baldwin County are serviced by Baldwin County Sewer System (BCSS), This Monopoly enjoys the ability to charge any amount they want to each of us. This happens because BCSS, a privately owned company, has the right to charge their customers any amount they wish and we, as customers, have to pay their fees regardless of how much they choose to charge for their service. There is NO LIMIT to the price you can be charged for sewage service! If you do not pay, your sewage will be turned off by BCSS without regard to the effect this will have on your family’s health. What would you do if that threat becomes reality?

Unregulated sewage fees allow BCSS to victimize their customers and this has to stop! We must band together to stop this injustice by challenging unregulated fees through our elected officials. Our County Commissioners, City Council Members, State Senators and State Representatives must take a leadership position to help us defeat BCSS and their predatory pricing.

Elected Officials in Shelby County have begun the fight to overturn unregulated sewage fees with legislation aimed at protecting customer by regulating prices. We can do the same in Baldwin County by beginning to challenge our elected officials to do the job we put them in office for …. protect the Voters and not a Monopoly.

Richard Dayton started this petition to Balwin County Residents served by Baldwin County Sewer System (BCSS)

The Ripp Report supports Mr Dayton’s efforts to regulate BC$$, a monopoly holding 19,000 customers hostage to an unregulated sewer system. This is long over due, Baldwin County is the only county that has no regulations at all. BC$$ has effectively influenced and lobbied elected officials to look the other way. Be sure you read the Straw Man article and see how Former County Commissioner, Tucker Dorsey, the straw man, was an agent of BC$$ and held the office of commissioner at the same time.

The present County Attorney is a lobbyist for BC$$. Think about that!

This petition will be the driving force in convincing the County Commission and elected officials that the time has come for regulations. This petition will be a litmus test for the next County Commission election. Baldwin County is the fastest growing County in Alabama and our unregulated sewer system is a consumer time bomb.

Together and through a petition we can win this battle just like we defeated the $6.00 toll.