The wheels of justice move slow, especially when the good ole boys knock out the spokes. 15 months ago we reported on an incident that should have been resolved in 6 months.

How does someone with multiple convictions, on probation, with a 180 day jail sentence hanging over their head, continue to avoid justice?

Fairhope Municipal Court and the City Attorney dropped the ball, or hid the ball.

Now the case has moved to Circuit Court and the wheels are coming off.

How does McSherry demand so much obstruction?

Why would a Circuit Judge act in such a way for what has become such a high profile case?

This case is about an assault case, plain and simple.

McSherry’s attorney James Pittman wants to float conspiracy theories and challenge the state’s Shield Law. Pittman is blaming everyone else, except McSherry.

Please remember the whole incident is on video tape.

Monday January 27 McSherry is due in court over the criminal issue.

I predict that will not happen, the court or attorneys will find yet another excuse, or conspiracy theory, to delay justice again.

This case is getting more interesting every day, stay tuned for updates.