5. Final Adoption - An Ordinance Directing the Transfer of an Acre of Land to Fairhope Single Tax Corporation and Declaring said property to be Surplus and not needed for Public or Municipal Purposes; Property is for the Tatumville Subdivision. (Introduced at the January 22, 2018 City Council Meeting)

This is the same location a public heath warning was issued,

WABF 1480 AM : HORRIBLE NEWS! 100,000+ Gallon Sewer Spill in Fairhope: Health Department Issues Public Notice on Sewage Spill

Feb 12, 2018

According to a report received from the City of Fairhope Utilities today, the sewer spill reported yesterday in the area of the Valley Street Lift Station (Middle Street and Dogwood Ave) is ongoing. An estimated 100,000 to 200,000 gallons of sewage has been discharged into the drainage ditch that leads to Big Head Gully, Tatumville Gully, and Mobile Bay. The health department urges residents to exercise caution if using these water bodies for recreational purposes. Also, thoroughly cook any fish or seafood caught near by and wash hands after handling fish or seafood.

It is also the same location that a petition of over 2200 people have voiced their objections.

For months this project keeps coming up with just a few well connected people pushing it down the throats of the Fairhope Citizens.

So what’s it all about? A big head and plenty of Conflicts of interest:

Fairhope has 5 councilmen:

Mr Kevin Boone who has rightfully recused himself from voting on the issue and has more LLC’s than a coon dog has fleas. He also supports his son who runs Catalyst who has supported the obstruction of the Mayor from day one.

Mr Robert Brown who’s partner Cliff Pittman is on the single tax board and a major supporter of the project. Brown and Pittman are partners in a building company. Mr Brown serves on the Art Board where he secured a building contract for the Art Museum. So I guess the message is join a board and be a councilmen and you can bid on work for the same Board you serve. Brown should recuse himself or complaints should be filed.

Mr. Jay Robinson, who is an attorney, his law partner Michel Upchurch is the treasurer of Single tax. Robinson should recuse himself to avoid any accusation of a conflict.

Mr. Jack Burrell, what more do I need to say?

Mr. Jimmy Conyers: No conflict of Interest, let’s hope Jimmy keeps it that way.

Then there is Mr. Lee Turner the master of conflicts of interest wearing three hats, President of Fairhope Planning and Zoning, President of Single Tax and the driving salesman of the project. Single tax will become a developer? Totally contrary to the doctrine of Single Tax.

WARNING when Mr Turner takes to the podium Thursday night be prepared for another sewage spill.

Oh by the way the Mayor stands on the side of the citizens, IT AIN’T THE MAYOR.