Well folks if you were watching football this last Monday night and have no idea what is going on with the Fairhope City Council, that same night, let me fill you in because a couple of councilmen were hoping you were distracted.

I must preface this commentary by first repeating something that inspired The Ripp Report many years ago. The realization that Baldwin County was extremely corrupt and that of the 14 municipalities of Baldwin County, Fairhope was the center of the corruption and majority of corrupt “connected,” players. The players sometimes appear to be pillars of society: politicians, wealthy, churchgoers— and are always considered a “good person”. Our former Mayor insulated these connected players and “good people” who over many years infected our judiciary and municipal governments, at our expense.

This last election upset the apple cart. A fair election monitored by the Sec. Of State, showed a demographic shift of our population and ideas. The last 20 years has seen the population double and the disconnected became connected. The Mayor and three councilmen were voted out, while the two remaining councilmen had little or no opposition. Those two councilmen, Mr. Burrell and Mr. Boone are what is left of a failed administration. Two of their accomplishments were the Triangle lawsuit, 12 million and the sewer plant for 11 million. The triangle lawsuit was settled behind closed doors without any public participation. The sewer plant was well over due and had been talked about for 10 years. The citizens are now finding out we have sewer capacity however our sewer infrastructure is so poor that we have a major problem getting the sewerage to the plant, despite 68 lift stations. Now we face a monumental task of surveying the infrastructure that both councilmen ignored.

The Mayor came forward with a resolution, item 6 on the agenda, that would approve the selection of the Cassady Company, Inc. to preform Professional Engineering Capacity Study for Gas, Water and Sewer utilities. In the history of Fairhope a request such as this has never been turned down. The Mayor selected the company due to fact that it would be fresh eyes and that the study would be authentic. The owner of the company resides in Fairhope.

Mr. Boone led the charge to oppose the resolution insisting it should be a local firm, while ignoring the fact that the owner lived in Fairhope. He suggested Dewberry/ Preble-Rish LLC., Volkert or HMR, Huthingson Moore & Ranch. Mr. Boone was obnoxious rude argumentative and displayed all the traits of a bully in the work session prior to the council meeting. He addressed the Mayor in a hostile and belittling tone and insisted that the selection be changed to HMR and was supported by Mr. Burrell. This decision is the exact opposite of the intent of the resolution. The last planning and zoning meeting had 10 items that were presented that were either Public hearings or Requests, 9 were for Preble-Rish and 1 for HMR, does that sound like fresh eyes.

When challenged by the Ripp Report, Mr Boone denied he was involved in any llc. Involving Volkert or any engineering companies.

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seem to tell a different story. Mr. Boone’s affiliation with Mr. Avent is a clear conflict of interest,

John G. Avent Firm PartnerPreble-Rish , Inc.


This resolution should be reconsidered and Mr. Boone should not vote on any engineering contracts.

It should be noted he opposes any in house engineer hire, or any resolution of the Mayor, who has the best interests of the community at heart.

A contribution for $2500.00 from Preble-Rish?? No conflict right? The second item # 16. was a resolution for a part-time Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Mr. Burrell led this charge. He had nothing to say in the work session but waited for the council meeting to oppose any part time assistant. Then as if it were rehearsed, which was obvious, Mr. Boone supports Mr. Burrell in blocking the Mayor. Think how this works folks we have a new Mayor and the realization that we have a serious infrastructure problem which leads to a building moratorium for 6 months so we may identify the problems.

The council refuses to have fresh eyes look, in depth, at our sewer, water and gas infrastructure and refuses to provide necessary help to perform the already in place moratorium. Mr. Burrell and Mr. Boone represent those “connected” players aka good ole boys that represent special interest or individual interests. They are fighting tooth and nail to obstruct and prevent Mayor Wilson from implementing full transparency, unfortunately our newer council members are more interested in what the remnants of a failed administration have to say and who contributed to their campaigns.

Let’s not forget Mr. Burrell is in the control tower at the Fairhope Airport Authority and has insisted in excluding the city of ownership of land that the “citizens citizens citizens” payed for. His loyalty is to close friends and board members. Stay tuned, this is a story Jack will bark all night about.

Councilmen Jay Robinson who sided with Mr. Burrell and Mr. Boone seems to have a conflict of interest himself involving the Airport Authority. Contributions to his campaign from Mr. Ray Hix Airport Authority Board member and Sec. Treasurer totaling $1,000.00 should PREVENT Mr. Robinson on any vote relative to the authority. Please note he voted in favor of the Airport Authority and against the city without any acknowledgment of the donation.

Strange what a little money does to the soul and how “good people” turn out to be not so good. Fairhope citizens need to stay involved with your community and support the Mayor because the council is doing a poor job representing the “citizens citizens citizens”.