Alabamians have got to stop looking right and left, voting a straight party ticket, and putting party before country and that means Republican and Democrat. What is good for your state and community should come before party. Why vote for someone who will divide us? Why vote for someone so different in beliefs and convictions that there is not one Senator or Congressman remotely close to his thinking?

Many Republicans are fearful that Judge Roy Moore as a Senator will be more harmful to the party than helpful. Folks that is what you call a real disconnect. Again, do not get fixated on the party put community and state first.

Alabama has two US Senators, Richard Shelby who will die in office before retiring and in the interim is more interested in naming buildings after himself than doing anything substantive. The second Senator will be Moore or Jones, if it ends up being Moore, Alabama will be the equivalent of a black hole.

Mr Moore went to Washington last week and it was not pretty. He was shunned by most of his own party and was on the run from the media from the time he stepped into the swamp.

Mr Moore will not debate his opponent nor will he accept the challenge to defend his views. He does expect people to vote for him without doing either. You should never vote for ANYONE of any party that is not willing to publicly defend his positions and outline what his constituents may expect of him if elected.