Here is the first post I saw this morning:

“Voter turnout was a disgrace for the State of Alabama yesterday, granted it was a one party run-off which lowered the amount of voters participating. Alabama has 3,134,166 registered voters, 451,161 voted yesterday, 14.39%. Just to show you how the turnout was in several of the larger counties here are the percentage of voter turnout. Baldwin 18.83%, Jefferson 6.19%, Mobile 12.81% Montgomery 11.02%, Shelby, 20.30%, so sad!!!“

These statistics and straight ticket voting is how we end up with self serving elected officials.

On a more positive note, Big Luther and Tripp Pittman are history. There is a God! And Karma!

Only Alabama would vote for someone who rode a horse to the polls, banished a firearm in a political rally and twice put his hand on the Bible swearing he would uphold the laws of the state and country, without prejudice, and then violated that oath once in office.


Hold on to your hats we are going to see a record voter turnout for the Moore/Jones runoff in Dec 2017 for a Senate election. There is blood in the water and the democrats in Alabama are waking up from a long nap and they have a candidate, Doug Jones.

The Republicans in Washington are freaking out as well as President Trump. Moore is right of the Tea Party and splits an already fractured party further. Moore also has alarmed the Republican establishment with his views on many issues as well as his reluctance to recant obvious false claims.

Then add in the Alabama Republican Party members who have had enough of promises for decades from goat hill and the Swamp. The Republican tolerance for political corruption has held Alabama hostage to any progress. They see reality, Judge Moore may have strong convictions however his beliefs, and statements, are not in step with Washington, or the country, and will be a deficit not an asset. This will only hold Alabama back further! What will the voters decide?