The BP oil spill was an accident that claimed eleven lives and adversely affected millions. BP has had to pay BILLIONS of dollars in damages spread among four states Alabama Louisiana, Texas and Florida. Three of the states used their funds to correct environmental damage done by the spill and to invest in future projects related to environmental issues. Alabama choose to rob and plunder their money on pet projects of Mayors Councils and even the Governor.

Alabama has wasted the chance to protect the very environment that provides us so much in tourist dollars.


The first money available to Baldwin County from BP went to the appointed trustee, Sen. Trip Pittman.


The Senator and Mayor Kant added insult to injury when they left hundreds of boom anchors in the bay. Not one environmental agency or non-profit said a word.

Fairhope used BP money for a park, the Mayor and Council even had a plaque made complementing themselves while failing to mention on the same plaque that BP money was used.

Daphne was sold on its Mayor pet development project.

Instead of sewer plant infrastructure.

Alabama Governor Bentley went so far as to use BP money for a renovation of a beach mansion, aka poody pad.

The Governor, with the help of former Congressmen Bonner skimmed off money for a State Park.

Then Alabama used millions to correct Medicaid, reducing any funds that should have gone to the affected coastline.

Please read the letter to the editor, going postal, in lagniappe Oct.26 edition, Have we learned nothing? By Myrt Jones.

Letter to Editor

He explains how an 11 million dollar BP restoration project of Marsh Island, at the mouth of Fowl River has contributed to the demise of oyster reefs instead of building them. Violations of the clean water act, mismanagement and little oversight has taken 11 million and buried it in the mud.

Is this not a catastrophe of our own making while using BP funds? Where is our accountability? ALABAMA DISGRACE