Catalyst is a political cancer found in Baldwin County. It hand picks political candidates. Catalyst was formally Stacy Elliott and Haygood, the birth of the cancer, that morphed into Catalyst when Mr. Chris Elliott became a county commissioner and Haygood became the Mayor of Daphne. Catalyst represents the old guard or good ole boys. They carefully “select” candidates to represent their interests and place them in as many different races as possible. From probate judge to State Senate and all four Baldwin County commission races.

Catalyst’s plan is simple: Place as many candidates in as many positions as possible. That’s how shady deals like the county Mega-Site are made. At the helm of Catalyst is Mr. Scott Boone, Fairhope Councilman Kevin Boone’s son. That bad apple did not fall far from the tree. Catalyst boldly uses intimidation and bully tactics to discourage viable candidates or elected officials who may not agree with them. Catalyst supports Catalyst and that may why non-Catalyst candidates have seen their campaign signs disappear, in Fairhope.

Just think how dangerous it would be to elect all the people seeded in the up coming primaries and election by Catalyst. They would have total control of the County Commission, Probate Judge, State Senate and District Judge. As a voter and citizen this should shake you to your core.

Look at this recent post on Facebook:

Now compare that list to this one, an invitation from a couple of lobbyists who support Catalyst. Birds of the same feather.

Read them both very carefully, study the names and you will see that these like minded people are all about getting elected and the power it yields.

Joe Davis district two is being supported by Catalyst and Tim Kant. Kant wants the good ole boys back in office and the builders, developers and lobbyist support him. Kant left Fairhope with failing infrastructure and a sewer system that needs tens of millions to repair. Kant also supported the Fly Creek Apartments, he did this while the overwhelming population of Fairhope opposed the project. Just wait and see the traffic nightmare at highway 98 and Parker Road when these apartments are completed, and remember Tim Kant was for the developer not the citizens of the community or the environment. Fly Creek will soon be a drainage ditch that taxpayers will ultimately have to repair, not the developer.

Kant supporting Davis! a loser supporting a quitter.

Please support John Lake for District two, a proven public servant, not a Catalyst hack.

CATALYST wants control of Baldwin County only you can stop that from happening.