Fairhope pay attention: The last four years, Mayor Karin Wilson has been standing up to bullies with special interests that do not align with citizens values.

Those bullies are our own councilmen Burrell Boone and Brown who represent CATALYST/ Scott Boone Consulting, CSB.

[caption id=“attachment_6910” align=“aligncenter” width=“452”] - JD Crowe[/caption]

This group is run by the son of Councilman Boone, Scott, and financed by special interests. It has also been supported by so called media who wrote paid hit pieces, for the 3 B’s, spewing unfounded allegations meant to mislead the public.

CATALYST/Scott Boone Consulting special interests include Baldwin County Sewer, local politicians, connected attorneys, shady judges, greedy developers and dark money.

They have been collectively raping Baldwin County while remaining in the shadows. Mr Boone and his son work as a team, so Scott is privileged to Fairhope executive committee details and other confidential information of the city. Boone like the rest are bullies, he recently gave a vivid performance:

Fairhope is there honey hole and four years ago they lost the corruption rubber stamp they have depended on for 16 years, Tim Cant.

The three B’s want the honey hole and corruption rubber stamp back. They have chosen a fired, ex employee, who sued the city and never disclosed her complaint to the citizens of Fairhope, to be their Mayor’s choice. She is sorely under qualified and if elected will fire numerous employees and place past fired employees in their place.

Fairhope will return to rampant corruption and lawsuits will follow.

The CATALYST city attorney Marcus McDowell is supporting Sullivan and has her sign in front of his office. McDowell has represented the council exclusively and has been disrespectful and a bully himself to the Mayor, as seen in the train wreck.

McDowell also helped out Burrell’s best friend Ronan McSharry by failing, numerous times, to file necessary charges of assault against McSharry. McDowell conveniently allowed the statute of limitations to run out on the assault charge, recorded on video. He then made it a political issue by saying the Mayor should not listen to citizens complaints. McDowell has been a horrible legal representative of the city, he has however made the 3 B’s, who appointed him, and Catalyst proud.

Link No Longer Exists

CSB has placed signs all over Fairhope encouraging voters to block vote for all four CATALYST candidates Burrell Boone Brown and Sherry Sullivan.

Many of these signs are in yards of people who have profited from the corruption, others are misguided by friendship, or misled by the false information put out by CSB.

Fairhope you need to vote against CSB, it is not in your best interest to turn Fairhope back over to special interests. Fairhope will go backwards.

Mayor Wilson has stood up to these bullies for you, and the citizens that fall victim to CSB.

She has taking a pounding from the council for 4 years, bullied in front of citizen that have attended the council meetings or viewed them on u-tube.

In spite of the unrelenting bulling Mayor Wilson won 4 Nappi Awards as the Hardest working elected official on the Eastern Shore. The council has won no awards but you can be sure they have filled their pockets.