Baldwin County, you want an example how CATALYST works?

All you have to do is pay attention to the Fairhope Municipal Election Aug. 25. Qualification is July 7-21st.

CATALYST is lining up their candidates for Mayor and City Council and they all have excess baggage

The current Fairhope Council are all CATALYST and represent the worst city council Fairhope has experienced in 25 years. Jack Burrell, the council president has held on to that position for two terms, 8 years. Burrell is the worst of the worst, his decisions have cost Fairhope millions. Everything from bid rigging at the Airport, to a hidden police report, is in Jack’s baggage.

A vote for Jack is not in the best interest of Fairhope citizens.

Burrell led the charge to buy the 2.65 million dollar recreation land that he promptly leased for 9 thousand a year.

That bad decision took the city from a surplus of 1.2 million to a deficit of 1.5 million. His bad baggage over the last 8 years has cost Fairhope dearly.

Jack and CATALYST have recruited Sherry Sullivan-Cant to run for Mayor. Talk about baggage, a vote for Sherry is a vote for Cant, the status quo, and the past.

Fairhope’s former Mayor Tim Cant has more baggage than an airport. Cant and Sherry have been spotted, hand in hand, trying to resurrect Cant’s base to vote for Sherry for Mayor. Do not be surprised if Cant runs for council, that way he can help Sherry run the Mayor’s office, that’s the CATALYST plan.

Sherry is going to be surprised when her baggage is opened in public.

Sherry was Cant’s puppet and travel companion she also ran the municipal propaganda newsletter. She covered the tracks of Cant and his involvement in BP scandal, Fly Creek Publix project, Airport and the soccer fields, just to mention a few.

Her baggage includes a majority of city employees who were glad to to see her leave Fairhope employment, they do not want her back. Sherry’s last assignment, under Cant was to run the recreation center, with no experience in that field.

She failed and had to be replaced.

Sherry, Cant’s travel companion, supported Cant’s efforts to obstruct any transition from the Cant administration to the newly elected Mayor Karin Wilson. She also assisted Jack Burrell and CATALYST in every way possible to obstruct Mayor Wilson and her duties as Mayor. Her insubordination got he fired, and her cohorts.

CATALYST is doubling down with Sherry, Jack and Cant, betting Fairhope is a bunch of dumb asses that will not be aware of their baggage.

The Ripp Report will do its best to inform every voter of the dangers of CATALYST.

CATALYST is running Bill “lowtower” Hightower for Congress. CATALYST in Washington will only deepen the swamp.

Please vote for Jerry Carl July 14th, the runoff election for First Congressional District.

CATALYST will do anything possible to regain Fairhope as their power base, including fixing elections, if the can.