In the last Fairhope municipal election the Ripp Report supported most of the City Council, even Jack Burell. The focus of the election was to elect a new mayor.

It became perfectly obvious in the three previous elections that the mayor ran the city day by day and decisions were made by a select few, good ole boys.

Infrastructure was ignored and good ole boys were rewarded.

In years past Lynn Stacy, who has left this earth, was the major power broker for political candidates. He would brag about a 100% success rate, let that sink in.

Mr Stacy partnered with Chris Elliott and Dane Haygood to form Stacy, Haygood and Elliott. Guess what, Haygood became Mayor of Daphne and Chris Elliott became a county commissioner.

When Elliott became county commissioner, Stacy Haygood and Elliott dissolved, but not the concept. Just the name.

CATALYST, located in Fairhope, was to carry the flag of the entitled good ole boys. CATALYST new manager became Scott Boone, the son of Fairhope Councilman Kevin Boone, who is the deep throat of the council.

CATALYST job was to obstruct Fairhope government, attack the Mayor, who is NOT CATALYST.

CATALYST first plan was to drive the Mayor out of office before 2020. They failed, now they face an election where they cannot tamper with the ballot box.

CATALYST candidates invaded the Baldwin County mid term elections of 2018. CATALYST is the epitome of good ole boys. Self serving, self dealing, candidates who are joined at the hip and loyal only to CATALYST. CATALYST is supported by developers, the same developers raping Baldwin County today. CATALYST power brokers are always in the shadows making self serving deals under the table.

CATALYST was not successful in electing their block of candidates of 2018. Social media alerted the general public and the voters responded.

Some CATALYST candidates were elected, but many lost and CATALYST became the identity of a party that was not in the best interest of Baldwin County citizens.

Do not make the mistake of thinking they are weak, they are dangerous. CATALYST has representatives in the District Attorney’s office, Sheriff’s office and Baldwin County Judiciary.

Fairhope is the central “political” base of Baldwin County, not Bay Minette. The money, judges, CATALYST, and some of the worst cockroach attorneys in Alabama, live in Fairhope. The entire Fairhope council has sworn allegiance to CATALYST. Fairhope Councilman Boone has been the official conduit to his son feeding him information that has been used to obstruct city business and prepare for the 2020 CATALYST takeover of Fairhope. The City Attorney and Municipal Judge/Developer are appointed by the Catalyst Council and carry water for CATALYST.

CATALYST is apposed to a city manager, change of government, districts or anything else that challenges their control. The Fairhope city council is CATALYST shining star. It is rumored that CATALYST is going to polish up and roll out Tim Can’t for Mayor, there is not enough polish.

CATALYST is now running a CATALYST CANDIDATE for First Congressional District. They are foaming at the mouth at just the thought of having a congressman in their pocket.

On the county level County Commissioner Joe Davis and Jeb Ball ran under the CATALYST banner and true to form are now voting in CATALYST developers favor, not their constituents.

This was posted on Facebook yesterday by William Rando, a very concerned citizen. You can follow this story on Facebook through


The Ripp Report. Backstory Podcast or Baldwin County Legal Eagle.

January 29 at 11:56 PM ·

William Rando

“This is a hearing for the property called Savannah ESTATES on 54 E. and 64 across from where they are constructing the new school This is the second time it has been on the table I am showing you how The commissioners voted. I am trying to explain how commissioner Davis and commission a Ball VOTED against the will of the people. THEY voted to keep this going. I also explained how Commissioner Davis at the end gave the contractors a thumbs up because he wants to hear more information and have just come to the table a third time. Also the city and county engineers did not like this project the first time nor did they like it the second time that’s why the other commissioners voted NO This is the dirt pit where I have mentioned this is taking place it’s approximately going to build 392 houses. Of course we all know what that will do to our community. I am trying to get everybody to be aware of what is going on and get some help to stop this. I also explained how nobody in a community gets notified about these projects and how people who live right across the street from this project have no idea what’s going on. Hopefully the news will help on this. And for that the commissioner should be ashamed of themselves. But they are fine the way things are. I have written letters obviously they were ignored by Davis. I’ve written him many letters and they were all ignored. Next week I will get in more detail. Right now I am getting help from others where to write letters to and who to get to investigate these things. I hope that answers your question. Please all share anyone who can help, join in please.”

Joe Davis’s thumb’s up is a green light for developers, they will try again. What about the sewer system for this project? Remember Baldwin County is the only county in Alabama WITHOUT any sewer regulations, just the way CATALYST wants it.

The treatment for CATALYST is a hot shower and vote for candidates with no affiliation with CATALYST, in 2020.