Incredible, only three Fairhope City Councilmen, the 3 B’s, Burrell, Brown and Boone, approved and purchased, 2.65 million in land for recreation, that did NOT have the approval of National Park Service. They did this without any public participation and a very questionable appraisal. Then they closed the sale with lighting speed.

This land will remain vacant for years and the council robbed multiple city accounts to come up with 2.65 million. The Mayor has warned this will cause delays in capital and infrastructure projects in the city.

Now the same council supports the Park Service for an effort to use the Triangle for bike trails??

The Mayor encouraged the council to wait on the Park Service study before buying recreation land. The 3 B’s bullied forward with the purchase.

They already knew the 2.65 million dollar site was NOT approved by the Park Service and they needed to close the sale BEFORE the Connectivity Master Plan Workshop, Nov 7th.

They closed on the property last Friday, Nov. 1st, less than a week before the scheduled Nov. 7th meeting. Council first, citizens last.

The same council not 2 months ago tried to convert the triangle into a conservation easement, taking the land out of the control of the city. That failed but you can be sure they will try it again, when everyone is asleep.

Due to the non-budgeted 2.65 million land purchase, the council is now having difficulty approving a budget, which is past due, just like the last three city budget’s. Now the council is talking about police and employee cuts as well as infrastructure and sewer repairs, being delayed.

They are now having to amend the budget that they have yet to approve.

To top it off the entire council voted themselves a full family insurance package, valued at $17,000 a year.

Council is a part time job and no other part time city employees enjoys the same insurance package. The council also keep this information hidden from the public, until the Mayor EXPOSED THE HIDDEN DETAILS to the citizens.

Every council member has had family insurance claims.

Is anyone covering you with full family insurance?

Let’s not forget the Attorney General complaint against Councilman Brown involving the Eastern Shore Art Center, using his office for personal gain.

Robert Brown For Our Hometown is a perfect example of what CATALYST stands for. Wake up Fairhope the present council needs to be voted out of office in 2020.

We need candidates to oust the CATALYST tumor.

So let’s get this straight 3 of the 5 Fairhope Council have used their office for personal gain. The Jester Robert Brown, Captain Jack Burrell and LLC Kevin Boone.

ALL five of the city council appointed the Municipal Judge and City Attorney for the City of Fairhope. The Mayor when elected, encouraged the council to consider replacements for both positions.

What she did not say, but I will, is that both positions represented the past status quo, of the good ole boys, aka CATALYST, which is exactly what the council wanted.

The council and city attorney will now show their CATALYST COLORS.

The Fairhope Municipal Judge is going to be the developer of the largest housing development in Fairhope.

In order for his project to be approved he has to have the voted approval of the Fairhope City Council that appointed him to office.


How in the hell could anyone not see this as a Conflict of Interest?

Only in Alabama.

This is exactly why Alabama and Baldwin County are so corrupt. You are going to be told by Council and the good Judge “That nothing is wrong with the council approving a development for the Judge they appointed."

I hope the Junior Council of Fairhope is paying attention to their “leaders”. The Jr. Council should run a candidate for City Council 2020 because the present “senior” council is selling out Fairhope.