One of the architects of Catalyst, Chris Elliott, is now going down and dirty on his run off for the State Senate Seat 32. Elliott gave up his County commission seat, even sold his business, in what he thought was a shoe in. He is bought and paid for, Goat Hill already owns his ass.

He was the anointed one, now he finds himself in the race of his life.

Mr. Elliott’s wife is employed by none other than Sheriff Hoss Mack. The Sheriff and School Superintendent Eddie Tyler have been front and center for Elliott. Both should have stayed out of the public eye because now they face public opinion.

Elliott is all important to the Catalyst political equation. Catalyst needs the County Commission, State Senate Seat and Fairhope to make that corrupt wheel to turn at maximum speed. Catalyst lost Fairhope and ever since has been at war with the duly elected Mayor, Karin Wilson. Catalyst lost their “threesome” on the County Commission and now face the real prospect of losing the Senate seat.

Baldwin County must move forward of the Catalyst mindset of the good ole boys. The County is changing at such a pace that municipalities and the county commission must work in sync. Corruption does not allow that to happen.

Elliott is the Catalyst Candidate while David Northcutt is the People’s Choice. Elliott lost the primary, votes against him easily showing he was not trusted or the choice of the voters. Jeff Boyd came in third and now is the sleeping giant. Boyd has yet to endorse Northcutt and hell will freeze before he supports Elliott. No love is lost between Gulf Shores Orange Beach and Elliott, so it is very promising that those Jeff Boyd voters will support Northcutt, the people’s choice.

Jeff Boyd voters please vote in the run off. July 17th for David Northcutt.

David Northcutt for State Senate


Fairhope nothing will change under the rule of Catalyst and losers. Living in the past is not an option.

Please support the Council/Mayor form of Government for Fairhope. The Mayor and one council person to be elected at large and three elected by districts.

The option is same ole same ole.