Sorry folks about being late for Wonderful Wednesday, which is now FREAKY FRIDAY but I have been in Facebook Jail for three days. The Ripp Report pushed someone’s button and they complained to Facebook who took us offline for three days to investigate the complaint. Catalyst has no sense of humor.

The Ripp Report would like thank those who made recent donations to our cause.


Notice to all citizens traveling on Highway 98 through Fairhope that cross the Parker Road intersection: LOOK FOR DELAYS, FOR YEARS.

The Fly Creek Apartments are preparing site work for 230 apartments to be built along Fly Creek, behind the Publix. They are clear cutting every living thing off the site, just as they did with the Publix site.

This project is a classic example of what you can expect from a Catalyst candidate or supporter.

Fairhope’s former Mayor Tim Kant and his former subordinates and entitled developer, Angelo Corte are to thank for a development no one wanted, except those who would profit. Catalyst supported the developer not the community. The City Council aided and abetted Mayor Kant and the developer while ignoring the overwhelming public outcry against the project.

Mayor Kant bent over for the developer’s every request and each time taxpayers paid.

The Fire Station on Parker Road, a dead end, was constructed on Corte property, and adjacent to the proposed apartments, not a coincidence.

Mayor Kant then authorized the sewer lift station be built, slightly off highway 98, above Fly Creek on the north side. This lift station has enough capacity to tie the apartments directly to it. The irony is that Fairhope has a sewer infrastructure problem, however due to the location and an excellent lift station, the apartments will be serviced before a majority of the community.

Fly Creek has become the drainage ditch for development.

The entire Publix property drains into the wetlands next to fly creek. The Last City Council meeting of Tim Kant’s administration, which he did not attend, had a surprise for unsuspecting citizens. The last item on the agenda was a gift of land, wetlands, to be donated by the owner, Angelo Corte, to the City of Fairhope. He gave Fairhope the land that is the recipient of all the water that drains from the Publix property, he developed, into Fly Creek. Councilmen Burrell and Boone voted to accept the “Gift.” Now the taxpayers are responsible for the developers drainage? This “Gift” is going to cost us all.

Taxpayers paid for a Fire Station, a sewer lift station and accepted the “GIFT” of liability of the wetlands, all for the developer. Taxpayers paid for the infrastructure for the developer while Mayor Kant ignored the infrastructure of Fairhope.

The Publix project damaged Fly Creek and filled it with mud and debris, now taxpayers along Fly Creek have been asked to help with the dredging of the Creek, not the developer.

This single project is going to radically effect Traffic, Quality of life, Schools, Fly Creek the Environment and your Property Values. That’s right your Property Values.

The Apartments are going to create havoc on traffic but do not worry the developer is going to fix that with connectivity, through your neighborhood. Get ready Sandy Ford and Rock Creek your neighborhoods are going to be short cuts for the traffic congestion created by the Apartments. The Woodlands and the Pines subdivisions will find it difficult to enter 98 due to traffic and their quite subdivisions will be listening to noise from the bulldozers first and then from the apartment complex.