How many people remember Sen Tripp Pittman and his theft of BP money to the tune of $750,000 dollars?

How many people remember our new Senator, Chris Elliott, and his DUI charge?

How many remember former Mayor Cant and his misuse of FEMA funds?

How about Councilman Robert Brown and his inside deal with the Fairhope Art Center?

Or Jack Burrell and his bid rigging?

All of the above escaped any responsibility for their actions and guess what? Everyone of these elected officials used their office for personal gain and are affiliated with CATALYST.

Just when you think it cannot get any more corrupt, our understanding of the law and what is right and wrong is being challenged by the appointed Fairhope Municipal Attorney.

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If you are concerned about corruption and the blatant abuse of the law, you need to read this article.

If you are concerned about how women are treated — bullied, then you need to read this article.

If you are a voter in Fairhope, you damn sure need to read this article.

If you do not know what CATALYST is, then you need to read this article

The McSharry case has been sequence of events in favor of the offender and against the victim. As a citizen of Fairhope if you become a victim of a crime, the city prosecutor, Municipal Attorney, will represent you for the city in Municipal court.

In the McSharry case the Municipal Attorney failed in his duties. He not only failed but his actions favored the bully and may result in litigation against the city.

McSharry’s was the watering hole for CATALYST, Attorneys, Judges and especially Councilman Burrell, who had a sandwich, on stale bread, named after him.

They ran like rats from McSharry’s after publicity exposed the CATALYST drinking headquarters.

Baldwin County Judicial System is broken, the good ole boys have dug themselves into a hole. Citizens have no confidence in the system.

The McSharry case is a perfect example of CATALYST JUSTICE.

CATALYST is the common denominator when it comes to political corruption. They are planning to expand their stranglehold on Baldwin County, Fairhope and US Congress.

If they succeed, kiss what ever quality of life you may have goodbye.

The Fairhope City Council should fire the city attorney, Marcus McDowell, but wait ! they appointed him to cover their ass.

Do not forget they also appointed the municipal judge who is now the city’s largest developer — secured by a council vote.

Can you say CATALYST?

Paula DiNardi is a victim of physical assault and the city attorney, has exhibited total incompetence in his handling of the case. Now he is suggesting that the intoxication charge and the assault charge carry the “identical punishments”.

So the city attorney wants you to believe even though he dropped the ball a thousand times on the assault charge, and it may disappear, he will pursue the “other” charge, intoxication.

What total bullshit.

So what happens with the $10,000 dollars in medical bills Paula sustained?

She also lost her job has suffered with the stress of something she had nothing to do with. She went to a restaurant/bar to relax and a bully assaults her knocking her off a bar stool.

This could be any woman and the Fairhope City Council turns a blind eye.

Ronan McSharry is a public nuisance, a repeat offender of the law, a bully of women and a public drunk. He is a danger to the general public and if he is not stopped he will continue to violate the law.