Two of 5 council seats had no opposition, Place 3, Jimmy Conyers, the best one of the last council will serve 4 more years. Place 2, Cory Martin, the first African American to be elected to council, he had no opposition. Congratulations to both.

That leaves the infamous three B’s, Burrell, Boone and Brown trying to convince everyone that they are better than slice bread. Each one of them has used his office for personal gain. They are CATALYST make no mistake they have cost taxpayers millions. Why any woman would vote for anyone of these three sexist hypocrites is beyond me.

Jack Burrell, the absolute worst elected official in Baldwin County will face Deb Hopkins. Jack facing a woman, how sweet it is. Jack the bully of women is now going to feel their wrath. Jack was also the major supporter of Sen. Pittman getting city debris removal contracts.

Kevin Boone, grandfather CATALYST has so many LLC’s that link him to developers, and good ole boys that it is obvious, his interest, is his personal gain. His opponent is Joshua Gammon a young man with Fairhope at heart, not LLC’s. Trade the old for the new.

Robert Brown, who fleeces his hometown, will face off against Howell Gibbens. Brown has a pending Attorney General Complaint and Ethics complaint lodged against him for using his office for personal gain. He is an avid supporter of developers, not citizens. A true blue CATALYST supporter.

These three councilmen have run rouge on the council for four years and have cost the city millions. Make no mistake if you want to escape the CATALYST good ole boys, the three B’s need to go.

The Mayors race is a BP story in itself. First we have a candidate who’s major claim to fame is that he worked for BP during the BP Oil Spill. He was involved in fraud investigation. However he knows nothing of the fraud that Fairhope Mayor Cant pulled off with his mistress of propaganda and Sen. Boom Boom Pittman.

This guy with the paddle board wants us to believe he can spread peace and harmony, just with his presence. His campaign sounds like he got mixed up and thought he was running for a position on Jimmy Buffet’s band. His BP connections and Sherry sitting on his paddle board are going to sink him.

The CATALYST entree for mayor is Sherry Sullivan, disgruntled fired employee who sued the city, settled out of court and never explained anything to the citizens of Fairhope. Now she is running on vindictive gas provided by CATALYST. Sherry was the Mistress of propaganda for then Mayor Cant. She lied and help cover up the BP fraud and the issues of infrastructure. Sherry represents CATALYST, she was fired for insubordination and Fairhope city employees do not want to see her return. Sherry has a trunk full of baggage and allegations of her past relationship with the former Mayor have already surfaced on social media. When you burn bridges karma will get ya. Never run for office out of vindictiveness. Sherry represent the status quo, CATALYST, which is a minority in Fairhope.

Sullivan emphasized the importance of focusing on the city’s workforce.

Over the past several years, Fairhope has lost numerous employees to retirement, termination or simply leaving for better pay or working conditions. Our workforce is the backbone of our community. Fairhope employees have built this community and continue to serve us with their expertise and dedication. Fairhope must ensure a stable workforce with commensurate pay, benefits and working conditions,” Sullivan said.

Sherry is nuts “importance of workforce” what the hell. She was fired along with her two CATALYST sisters who were not preforming their duties as employees. The current workforce is far better off, since the three princess were fired. Sherry’s last job, in the last administration was running the rec center, she failed at that job and was transferred back to Mistress of Propaganda where she succeeded. Sherry is covered in BP oil. A vote for Sherry is a vote for Cant and her plan is to appoint Cant to a city position immediately, that my friends is taking Fairhope backwards.

What about Mayor Wilson what has she got to do with BP. First she stopped Jack Burrell and the Council from continuing to give State Senator boom boom Pittman preferred city contracts for debris removal.

Second she secured 18 million in BP restore act funds. These funds are being used for sewer upgrades that have been in need of repair for years.

Third is the 6.2 million dollar grant from BP for the Waterfront.

Forth: Mayor Wilson kept her promise to citizens:

Promises Made – Promises Kept End Wasteful Spending & Restore Fiscal Health

Four years ago, the city was running an annual $6 Million deficit, making payments on millions of dollars of debt, and requiring most of the profits from our Utility department to subsidize its budget.

Today, the City is fiscally self-reliant, paid off long-term debt, increased combined City/Utility cash funds by almost 60% leaving our gas, electric, water and wastewater utilities the ability to finally afford its long-ignored maintenance and upgrade needs.

In addition, my administration obtained $18M in RESTORE funds, most of which will be invested in sewer system upgrades and a sewer overflow prevention plan along the Eastern Shore - money citizens will save in sewer rate increases.

This is what fiscal responsibility looks like and will continue under my leadership as a fiscal conservative with ~30 years experience in Finance & Business Management.

This is a promise - like the ones I made in 2016 for which I delivered. Let’s stay the course moving forward together.

Vote August 2th

So the guy on the paddle board worked for BP investigating fraud, but could not find it and Sherry covered up the fraud.

On the other hand Mayor Wilson secures 18 million dollars legitimately for Fairhope from BP and stops corrupt politicians from profiting from good ole boy deals. That is a fact JACK.