Today I enter V.A. for my 14th shoulder operation, so if ya do not see a Wonderful Wednesday next week, you will know why. One more operation in December and if I follow the instructions of the doctors, I should be swimming by next summer.

The citizens of Baldwin County are finally beginning to understand the dangers of a group like Catalyst. The Baldwin county Republican Party is coming to terms that Baldwin county has been hijacked by a few so called “Christian Republicans” called CATALYST. In the past CATALYST has worked in the shadows, today social media has exposed their goals as well as players.

Congratulations to Mayor Karin Wilson for winning the Politicos Nappie Award for the hardest working elected official on the Eastern Shore. This is significant because the Mayor is operating in the shadows of Catalyst headquarters and the three bees. The City Council is working on being awarded the onion award for the WORST City Council in Fairhope’s history, so far it looks like they will win, hands down.

Catalyst is reeling after getting stung by the People’s Choice. They lost their queen bee Thomasson and their most worthless bee, Dorsey. Catalyst also had the true colors of their number one lying bee, Elliott, exposed to the public. His less than stellar performance garnered him only a 700 vote margin against the better man, David Northcutt.

Elliott now has to run for the third time for State Senate Seat 32, against a Democrat. It ain’t going to be easy, he has burnt to many bridges,or promised to build them, and has a closet full of baggage. Their is a rumor that he may even have some very serious issues, can you say indictment, coming his way, not counting his real estate deals.

Sheriff Hoss Mack and Eddie Tyler, the present superintendent of schools are also married to Elliott and now are seeking a divorce, it may be to late. They now have to dig a deeper hole for the three of them.

DAPHNE has it’s own Catalyst beehive. Catalyst Mayor Haygood, a charter member, talked councilman, Joe Davis into running against, the far better man, John Lake. Mr. Davis won because over 3500 people did not turn a ballot over, very suspicious. Haygood and Davis are now planning to fill that vacant council seat with another Catalyst bee, Jonathan Armstrong.

A tip to the Rippster says “Have you heard this one? I believe it to be true: Jonathan Armstrong flip flopped from supporting Billie Jo and hating Tucker Dorsey and wanting to fight Tucker to becoming their main pit bull because they promised to give him Joe Davis’ seat on the Daphne City Council if he played ball. A catalyst spy slipped that to me.“

Speaking of Daphne, it has also been reported that Mayor Haygood was so upset with social media that he instructed city worker to destroy fiber optic cable feeds throughout the city. The council is pissed off at him and ATT may sue the city for damages. I cannot wait to hear the whole story.

Don’t forget about that Million dollar swimming pool, The Mayor and planning and zoning say their hands are tied, not so, they are sitting on their hands.


Mayor Craft and staff are getting push back from citizens of the community for a planned apartment complex in the middle of single family homes condo’s and townhouses. Sound familiar? Like maybe the Fairhope apartments that have had three lawsuits, brought by citizens, and one lawsuit pending. Let’s not forget Fairhope’s Mayor and three council members also bit the dust. Why! Because the City of Fairhope stood behind the developer and not it’s citizens. It has cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees, and it is still climbing.

The Gulf Shores apartments have the same talking points as did the Fairhope apartments. First the developer says they will be townhouses, then switches to apartments. The Mayor and staff say there is little they can do, but NEXT time they will do better. Total B.S. On the issues of parking, traffic studies and wetlands they mirror the way Fairhope apartments were shoved down the throats of voters. Why would Gulf Shores rather be sued by it’s citizens than defend it’s citizens? The Mayor and staff scolded the citizens for not being more attentive to city business and the proposed apartments. Their was no notification given by the city to anyone about the project, so how in the hell were they suppose to be informed? This is another clever trick Fairhope pulled, that came back and bit them in the ass. Much more to come.

ORANGE BEACH is still reeling over Jeff, Judas, Boyd and Tony, King, Kennon, with the assistance of Gulf Shores Mayor Craft, throwing their support to Elliott. But what the hell, they want those bridges and more development, that Elliott will support, plus the 12% gas tax. Let’s say two more bridges are built, do you really believe that is going to REDUCE traffic? Your on an island!

Another tip the Rippster was that the District Attorney for Baldwin County discouraged Harry D Olive, from running for Probate Judge. The DA said they already had a man running, Lynn Perry. They, being Catalyst. Harry was not intimidated and pushed back. Perry lost, Harry won and now the DA has confirmed his Catalyst standing. That should not be surprising since the DA was placed into office by Catalyst and needed not one vote of the public. It will be interesting to see if Baldwin County’s DA investigates any allegations Catalyst members submit.

Baldwin County is waking up from the fog of Catalyst.