CHUCKEE CHEEZE what a sleaze! You have cost the City of Fairhope a lot of money with your one sided biased reporting. The one side is that of Catalyst, the Good ole boys, special interest and elected officials and Judges who are more concerned with their interest than those of the city.
Mr. McCollum, aka Chuckee Cheeze, has single highhandedly taken a historic newspaper, The Fairhope Courier, founded In Fairhope in 1894. and turned it into a political print media source for Catalyst and special interest.
The Courier even received an award for a totally bogus story that ended up costing the city thousands of dollars,
He won for Best In-Depth News Coverage for his series of stories on the alleged assault on Fairhope’s former HR director by Fairhope Mayor Karin Wilson. McCollum previously won the category in 2016. McCollum said he was truly humbled by the wins.
“All of our team members hope to provide the communities we cover with the best news and information we can find,” McCollum said. “While we don’t do this for the awards, it’s certainly nice to be recognized by our peers and colleagues for the work that we do.”
The Virginia Press Association served as judges for this year’s competition.
Chuckee only cover one side of the lawsuits filed by former employees of Fairhope. He also did not cover the fact that the Catalyst Fairhope City Council assisted the former employees in suing the City ,for the sole purpose of humiliating the Mayor. Chuckee is on call for Catalyst.
CHUCKEE is going to find himself in the same position as the Fairhope Catalyst Council.
CHUCKEE has had many hit pieces on Fairhope, Fairhope Mayor and the Fairhope Government. They have been inaccurate and motivated by political opponents whose only intention is to regain power in Fairhope. The below article is nothing different, one sided hypocritical BULLS—.
Councilman,, Brown is a spokesman for NO? He sure as hell did not say no when he used his elected office and appointed board position to secure, for his construction company, a several hundred thousand dollars contract from the Fairhope Art Center.
This Ethics Complaint is not closed and new and material evidence will be forwarded next week to the Ethics Commission and other authorities. Mr Brown should be held accountable, but as his tag says: Hometown Brown, that means HIS hometown.
The Fairhope Catalyst Council has yet to balance the City budget and Mr. Brown wants us to believe it is he who is a genus accountant, he is delusional.
Three Bee’s have been stinging Fairhope long enough: Its YOUR tax dollars. NO VOTE SUPPORTS SPECIAL INTEREST CATALYST AND THE GOOD OLE BOYS
PLEASE Contact the owners of the Courier and tell them how their paper is being used by political hacks and the constant negative attention our municipality is receiving is wholly unfair and not at all journalism. Cancel your subscription and leave the paper on the stand. You may wish to also advise them of the possibility of a lawsuit.
GCN Owners [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Vince Johnson Editor and Publisher [email protected] 803-774-1201 36 West Liberty St. Sumter, S.C. 29150