The last two Ripp Report posts,

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seem have to hit a nerve among our readership.

The bottom line is who is responsible?

Who is responsible? The city council, the mayor, the ethics commission, the attorneys? The citizens?

Many people, including me, have been critical of the Alabama Ethics Commission. Why do we even need to file complaints regarding city council members, when we have a city council? The council should look at any complaint made against any councilmen. If the complaint warrants a higher review then send it to the ethics commission.

Who’s responsible? The Fairhope City Council turns a blind eye to obvious conflicts of interest and puts the responsibility on the citizens to file complaints. Then they criticize the individual filing the complaint, or blame the Mayor. They are the council, should they not clean there own house?

Councilmen Boone and Burrell both have had allegations levied at them that should have awaken the other three members of the council to at least address the issues. Do the citizens deserve an explanation? Who’s responsible? Or do you kick the can to the ethics commission or just ignore it.

Mr. Boone’s business interests conflict with his voting on various issues. He never acknowledged those interests, then dissolved his llc’s when exposed. Further review shows some of those interests were never listed on his ethics election form of economic interests. He has been voting on these issues for five years?

Who’s responsible?

Mr Burrell has raised so many red flags over his handling of the airport that you would think someone on the council would ask for an investigation. Instead, their defense is that they know all the players and they are good people and friends. Who’s responsible? The airport authority then hires an attorney to investigate the complainant? Fairhope allocates more money to the airport than schools!

Who’s responsible?

The past council, Boone and Burrell, accepted a gift of wetlands, next to Fly Creek, under the pretense that it is land under a lift station, so instead of say 100 square feet we get four acres of prime wetlands. Never-mind that the deed of the land was filed three days prior to the acceptance of the gift and no one on the council even looked at a map or understood what the city was getting. Then duplicate, public, documents of resolution 2606-16 show Mayor Kant signing one in Oct. 2016 and the newly elected Mayor signing the same document weeks later.

Who’s Responsible?

Who’s responsible? Think it is a rant? Or do ya think the individual is beyond disgusted because no one is responsible? Nothing will change if no one is responsible and no one asks questions. Read it again, it is not a rant it is disgust, with those who are not responsible.