Alabama’s first congressional district has 5 Republican candidates running to fill Bradley Bryrne’s seat.  Only one is CATALYST. GUESS.

In 2018 CATALYST made a move to take over the County.

CATALYST should be feared, they threaten honest government and represent the very opposite, political corruption.

CATALYST candidates occupy the Fairhope City Council. The Fairhope City Attorney is a hand me down, as is the Faihope Municipal Judge, of the good ole boy CATALYST network of past Fairhope administrations. CATALYST and the Fairhope City Council operate like a criminal enterprise.

The FBI defines a criminal enterprise as “a group of individuals with an identified hierarchy, or comparable structure, engaged in significant criminal activity.”

CATALYST is an organization that in no way is looking out for citizens best interests. CATALYST has hijacked the soul of the Baldwin County Republicans and they bank on the party to cover their tracks, while they drag the party and good people, through the mud.

CATALYST wants to regain control of Fairhope and Baldwin County and now the First Congressional District. Fairhope needs to remove the CATALYST cancer from it’s government and it’s judiciary.

Bill Hightower IS the CATALYST candidate, supported by Fairhope Municipal Judge/ developer Snedeker and former State Senator BP Boom Boom Pittman and of course the CATALYST Fairhope City Council. Birds of a feather flock together.

You have four other choices for Congressmen, that are NOT CATALYST. Please tell your friends and family, the last thing we need is for CATALYST to be our congressional representative.