In 2017 The Ripp Report covered many different political issues in Baldwin County. Many of these issues will travel into 2018 and raise their ugly head again.

Baldwin County has a mid term election coming up in Nov. 2018 and all four county commissioners are up for re election. They all need to be replaced, a clean sweep. Their last term saw no change in the white elephant, the mega site. The county has been saddled with a 32 million dollar debt that is being paid on the backs of county employees and taxpayers. It is time for a total change and four new commissioners.

In Fairhope the city council spent a whole year obstructing the newly elected Mayor. In spite of their efforts the Mayor forged ahead pushing transparency and accountability as well as hiring a dozen new city employees. The council continues to dig a hole for itself while the citizens are becoming more aware of the negative consequences of their actions.

The council failed us in their first year the Mayor did not.

Early on the Fairhope city council showed signs of limiting public participation and using silence as a weapon against anyone who challenged them. That is how Kant ran Fairhope, Kant is gone.

What they did not count on is the Court of Public Opinion and that they are accountable for their actions and those actions will be made transparent. The Ripp Report will continue to bring exposure to those who abuse their elected or appointed office, regardless of their party affiliation.