CRAZY, that is the lame ass excuse that people use to describe people that they do not agree with, or they simply want to shoot the messenger. While covering the Family Court in Baldwin County I interviewed over three dozen women and men entangled in a corrupt inept system. Every attorney defending his or her client would sooner or later say that the spouse was CRAZY. That was ultimately the main argument.
All you have to do is get a couple of people to disagree with you, or you stand up with strong conviction over an issue, and someone is going to say your CRAZY. People use the easy way out of constructive criticism by simply saying your CRAZY. Politically disagree with people or protest in a public way and you surly are CRAZY.
No substance, no evidence, no concrete argument, just, you must be CRAZY.
You want to hear CRAZY? Then listen to the podcast about the alleged suicide of a 19 year old, by hanging himself with a seat belt, inside a moving car. Years later, evidence withheld, confirms the young man was a confidential informant.
Take a moment and consider that this young man was your son, brother or relative. You would think that the sheriff would immediately open an investigation, make a statement, or explain the allegations of suicide. Instead the whistle blower, an attorney, is CRAZY.
Why would the Sheriff retaliate against an attorney instead of conducting an investigation or answering the allegations publicly?
Remember we are in Baldwin County the home of confidential agreements where crimes are buried in file folders. Where people are held hostage by agreements that may be hiding the truth. Corruption flourishes in our Judicial system and municipal governments. Those sworn to protect us and represent us are more interested in their social or political standing than the truth. All they got to say is, “they are CRAZY.”
What is CRAZY is that Alabama is number one in political corruption and Baldwin County is one of the most corrupt counties in Alabama. That is a statistically a fact.
Pay a little more attention to those that wish to use the word CRAZY. The bit dog barks first.