The Fairhope election to vote on change of government has been delayed to the same day as the general election, November 6th. The vote is for the citizens of Fairhope only. On the day of the election all 7 polling places in Fairhope will be open for the general election. Each location will have a separate room or location, where a separate polling booth and poll pad will be located exclusively for the Fairhope vote. That way people voting in the general election, who reside in Fairhope city limits, will be able to vote in the general election and the separate ballot for the Fairhope vote on change of government, in the same location.

The City Council, for the last three months, has taken a position of not voicing an opinion on the change of government. However let’s see how silent they remain now! The council can see it’s own demise with any change of government. You can be sure they are going to push back against any change to save their own skins. They were successful in getting the election postponed, on very weak grounds.

Looking into the crystal ball, and knowing the tricks of the council, be prepared for a council campaign to kill any efforts to change Fairhope’s government. At Large will be their mission statement and do not be surprised if they do not have the full support of WACO radio and The Courier tabloid. Catalyst will be in the background stoking the fire and supporting THEIR City Council.

Look for Councilman Jay Robinson to take the lead in the opposition, word is Council President Jack Burrell is damaged goods and maybe J Boy is Catalyst new pick for Mayor in 2020. Keep in mind J Boy, an attorney, just learned himself the peril they face.

Let’s see how accurate the crystal ball is.