Sorry I did not get Freaky Friday published last week, It was a real freaky for me. I had a total reverse shoulder operation in Birmingham veteran hospital, my 13th shoulder operation since Vietnam, on Friday. The first three days of recovery are no fun and the drug fog does not allow you to think. I hope to recover fast enough that I may be able to give a special Christmas present to a well deserving recipient.

The City Council in Fairhope has accomplished very little in their first year, other than obstruct the Mayor. The latest obstruction has been going on for three months, the city budget. It clearly is the responsibility of the council to approve the budget. For three months the Mayor has extended an olive branch to the council in an effort to get an approved budget. The council members have been absent for meetings and spent very little effort to approve a budget. The council has offered lame excuses or asked mundane questions that have done little to resolving the issue.

Dec. 6th the City council had a special called meeting, again the Mayor explained to the council that the lack of an approved budget is affecting employees and city operations. The Mayor has proposed many ideas to the council that will save money in the long run, however the council has displayed an ultra conservative view of city finances focusing on expenses and ignoring any progressive view. The council is thinking within their term the Mayor and city staff are thinking 20 to 30 years ahead.

One item in the budget is the sacred cow of council president Burrell, Fairhope Airport. You can bet your bottom dollar “come fly with me “ Burrell will be sure to protect his crony friends at the airport above the best interests of the city. Burrell will not take any questions related to the airport and still hides behind the Alabama Non-Ethics Commission. Fairhope employees are also tiring of Mr Burrell’s micro managing employees and exercising authority he does not have as a council member nor that of council president. Mr Burrell has even gone so far as to silence the public by refusing to allow persons that disagree with him the ability to speak at public meetings

Burrell and the council have sided with fired employees, choosing to aid the disgruntled employees with litigation against the city. They then, as a council, will vote to approve any settlement. Most council members on the council should recuse themselves altogether as they know these employees personally. Instead they are going to set legal precedent for the next fired employee to do the same, with your tax dollars.

I bet Burrell and council will not bring that up during budget discussions.

The Fairhope City Budget is the responsibility of the City Council, the Mayor and the city employees and citizens are waiting for them to do their jobs.

Dec. 18th after 3 months, again the council will try to approve the city budget, it’s not the Mayor. Wake up Fairhope. Watch Jack.