The infamous BP Sen. Tripp Pittman is finally leaving Baldwin County political life, covered in BP oil, and a legacy that is as dark as the oil.
Baldwin County should have a holiday marking the good Senator’s exit.
Pittman was the poster boy for elected officials who use their elected office for personal gain. He was also very accomplished in getting the Alabama Ethics Commission to look the other way, while he stuffed his pockets.
Fairhope was the good Senator’s honey hole and Fairhope City Council President Jack Burrell is his bible buddy and mentor, that is not a joke. Jack has learned from the worst.
Pittman was the “trustee” of the BP funds for Baldwin County and he got the first contract in Alabama, compliments of Fairhope and now departed, Mayor Can’t. The Baldwin delegation, Pittman speaks of, only secured 10% of the total BP State award, about 120 million. They should be ashamed, but they are not.
Randy Davis has been indicted:
and Joe Faust has not hit a lick at a snake in 10 years, he needs to join Pittman and his buddy Can’t. Vote Randy out and Danielle in.
That Gulf Beach Hotel Pittman is bragging about used BP funds: is Pittman is going to be the Hotel Manager, it would not surprise me.
The down side of Pittman leaving, is that, bought and paid for, Chris Elliott, is running to replace Pittman. Chris, is a political animal and will serve one term and try to ease up the political ladder. He will be every bit as bad as Pittman, we never learn.
A VOTE for Chris Elliott is a VOTE for Catalyst.