DOUBLE RED FLAGS at the beach this weekend. Rip-currents rough seas and high water.

The same can be said about Faux-Hope. Red flags are going up faster than the American flag on July 4th.

The Fairhope City Council is following Jack Burrell down ever rabbit hole he can fit in. The taxpayers of Fairhope are clueless, when it comes to their tax dollars.

Fairhope has spent millions of dollars on the Airport and has never seen a dollar in return.

Over $300,000 a year, down from 500,000, is what Fairhope allocates to the Airport. The Airport is a red flag and Jack Burrell is raising the flag higher.

Fairhope paid for the Airport however the Airport holds the title, thanks to Jack.

The Airport Authority meetings are no longer video taped for the public, a Jack Burrell move.

Jack’s latest stunt involves the Fairhope Airport Authority, FAA, where he already has an infamous reputation for bid rigging.

The latest stunt is that there will be NO Airport Authority meetings on line for the public to see. Not since February has their been a recorded meeting, nor has there been any explanation or public notice.

Jack has now raised another red flag. He now wants to allow Airport board members from the feeder pattern of Fairhope instead of the corporate limits.

Pay attention Fairhope, Jack has plans for the Airport and the citizens are not part of the plan.


11. Resolution – That the proposed Certificate of Amendment is hereby approved for the Fairhope Airport Authority under the provisions of the Title 4, Chapter 3, Article 2, Code of Alabama, 197

Read the resolution and tell me if you can explain it? This is how Fairhope works, write resolutions no one can understand, hide the details and meaning. This is classic Jack and Catalyst.

2.1 million in tax abatement for a company that is going to hire 5 employees? Does that sound like an economic development plan? Another point is that guess who used to have their office at the same location, allegedly, none other than Capt. Jack. This was another Baldwin County Economic Development plan Mr. Lawson came up with while holding Jack’s hand.

The pied piper spent 2.65 million on recreation land that Fairhope now leases for $9,000 dollars a year. Guess where the property is located? By the Airport, Who puts recreational facilities, with elevated lights, next to an Airport?

How about the K-1 purchase for 4 million? Just like any of the purchases the city has made lately, they bought it without a plan. Because they had no plan. The council then had to do about 100,000 worth of “temporary” roof repairs to prevent further damage. Since the purchase, the building has deteriorated to a point that only the front facade may be saved.

Mayor Wilson:

“Rushing the city into real estate deals without public participation and input by stakeholders is an inappropriate way to conduct business. Fairhope citizens are unaware of the developments concerning these properties and alternate opportunities. If the rest of Council truly wants to be transparent and make proper decisions, they will cancel this meeting and make certain all facts are presented in a public forum before we move forward on spending millions of tax dollars.”

While the red flags fly Jack and his partner Lee Lawson of Baldwin County Economic Alliance have teamed up with the brain storm of chasing grants for the K-1 center. The first grant was denied, 7 million, now the red flag partners are seeking a 3.5 million dollar grant, supported by a 1 dollar a year lease. WTH

Before having the grant or any development plan at all, the city has now leased the k-1 center for a dollar a year to FEEF, who will “maintain” the buildings. How much you want to make a bet that the K-1 will become like the airport, subsidized by the city taxpayers.

“The council voted unanimously May 24 to approve a 25-year lease that would allow FEEF to operate the site at a cost of $1 a year. FEEF will maintain the buildings under the terms of the lease.” Where are they going to get the money if they fail to get the grant? they have already signed a lease.

These are examples of how just few people are making serious long term decisions, without any public input. The K-1 site may now be tied up for years on a dollar a year lease.

What about the hotel that was proposed for the site? That deal was never even considered. A hotel that would provide 175 public parking spaces, provide for the pelican nest and other amenities. The lease would be for 30 years where upon Fairhope would become the owners of the hotel and property. Financed by the developer. The new flag for the k-1 center will be red.

Another example of red flags flying is the way the city treated the residents of Hawthorn Glenn. Mayor Sullivan and acting Mayor Burrell showed up for the first meeting, then they took the exit door and left the residents high and dry. This is a classic example of the good ole Can’t days, Fauxhope is in reverse.

The subdivision, Hawthorne Glenn, was given less that a week’s notice that their neighborhood had been selected for an electric sub station. For years the electric sub station was proposed to be next next to the ABC store, a commercial location. Instead the city breaks it’s own comprehensive plan for political payback and puts it in a residential area. NO transparency, no ethics, but lots of BS. Think what you would do if this happened to you, your neighborhood.

“Paul Ripp, a consumer advocate who does not live near the project area, alleged the city’s recent purchase of the property and plans to build the substation there was “political payback” for the seller, Kathy Hoffren, who Ripp claims once circulated a petition to ask former Mayor Karin Wilson to resign. Ripp pointed out that the city bought the 2.9-acre property for $40,000 under its $290,000 list price in April. Closing documents indicate Hoffren had a $200,000 mortgage on the property, and netted just $19,000 on the sale. “

Why would anyone reduce the sale 40,000 dollars in a red hot real estate market? The seller made 19,000 dollars and left 40,000 on the table, something stinks, as usual. Ask Jack or Kevin Boone or maybe the Mayor who did not show up for the meeting. She is getting paid as being head of utilities, so where is she?

This is political payback. The city ignored the residents and their own comprehensive plan. Show me a comprehensive plan that allows an electric sub station to be sandwiched in a single family neighborhood.