Hard to tell what the truth is these days but some information leaking out, if true, will set Fairhope’s hair on fire.

A. Jack Burrell denied, on WACO radio, any party was held at his house. He omitted the fact that it was his son who sponsored the party at Jack’s in laws. Jack is very clever at covering Jack’s back. The Jack bus just ran over his in laws, WACO radio, the tabloid Courier as well as his son. We just will have to wait and see what is Fact and what is Fiction. The truth will come out, it just won’t be out of Jack’s mouth. Is it truth, fiction or just allegations?

B. Mr. Burrell is also involved in another one of his secret deals. He is making up your mind on this one and will tell you the facts so late in the game that you have no voice in the matter, so he thinks! Trouble is he has fiction blended in the details. The Ripp Report will be covering this story very soon.

C. Fact or Fiction? Tip the Rippster got information that supports the Ripp Report claims of many years about corruption in Fairhope. If true, and we will know soon, it will set Fairhope’s hair on fire. Damn I hope it is true because maybe it will wake Fairhope up.

P.S. You guessed it, Jack is involved AGAIN.