Get ready, Fairhope Catalyst Council is making their move to capture the Fairhope general election. Everything and anything in Fairhope is connected to politics. I have said more than once that the major negative in Fairhope is the politics.

Last week The Ripp Report was the only source of information that reported on the arrest of Ronan McSharry. In court the defense attorney made the incident political by raising questions about the Mayor. The Mayor had not one damn thing to do with the incident.

In question was why the accused wanted to speak with the Mayor and Police Chief about the incident. Why would the Mayor, any Mayor, refuse to speak to any citizen of the community, about any complaint?

The Fairhope Council has made no public statements about the continued bad acts and convictions of McSharry.

Another issue the Council has failed at, is making the complaints of former employees seem anything more than sour grapes and again political. The same employees are planning to run for office or will be support Catalyst candidates.

Here comes the third sour grapes lawsuit and you better believe the Catalyst group has their dirty hands in on it. This article only covers one side of the story, the Catalyst side.

Now the principal of the “alleged shaking incident” is taking her turn in court. The difference is, it’s Federal Court. The first two of the sour grape three, Sullivan and Pandora got their settlements from the City Council, uncontested. No City Council is going to settle a Federal Lawsuit. Do not be surprised if the case is dismissed, it should be.

A tip to the Rippster said our Infamous Family Court Judge Thomasson showed her true colors at the MOJ, last night.

In what was considered a political move by those attending,100 plus, the good Judge wanted to turn a family friendly organization into her own selected Board and exclude those serving. The Judge was knocked off her broomstick when people started booing her and then was soundly defeated by a 75% margin vote. This is a great organization and for one I am glad it did not get hijacked.

Like I said the worst thing about Fairhope is the politics. Let’s hope Fairhope stands strong, in 2020, against the Catalyst Council, and fresh new faces in the community, public servants, decide to run for Council positions.