Mayor Wilson told Jack Burrell, Council President, Airport Authority Board member and liaison to the city, and who also sits on the committee to select bids for the Authority:

“I can promise you people … are concerned.”

Wilson’s said that the Airport Authority’s debt represents 21 percent of Fairhope’s overall borrowing.

In an effort to pay it down, as well as come up with a plan to market 258 acres that the Airport Authority purchased in 2007 for $8.85 million, the mayor urged the council to take ownership of the property.

Mr. Burrell responded,

“I know,” said Burrell, in a mocking tone toward Wilson’s frequent comments that she was elected by the citizens and is serving them. “The citizens. The citizens. The citizens.”

That exchange clearly shows Mr. Burrell’s loyalty is to the less than 1% who use the airport and the other 99% are just “CITIZENS CITIZENS CITIZENS."

Mr. Burrell was able to persuade the three newly elected councilmen to trust him and turn their backs on the citizens that elected them. He refused to recuse himself from any comments relative to the Airport Authority, dismissing any and all allegations about his involvement with a bid “HE” selected that would go to a Board member and close personal friend.

The land is being paid for by the city. However the title is in the Airport Authority. These are YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

Fairhope Mayor Wilson is representing the citizens 100% and Mr. Burrell is trying to undermine her every effort. The Fairhope community came together in electing her and now must come together in supporting her.

YOU the CITIZEN must step up. Please contact these councilmen and support Mayor Wilson’s request that the Airport Authority property is placed in the ownership of the city. Call, text, e-mail or yell at any or all of the new council members, express support for Mayor Wilson and her request, which represents us all.

Elected Officials

Mayor Karin Wilson 251-928-2136

Kevin G. Boone, City Council 251-550-2572

Jay Robinson, City Council 251-210-6684

Jack Burrell, Council President 251-510-4496

Robert Brown, City Council 251-454-7509

Jimmy Conyers, City Council 251-767-2889

You can also contact city hall by:


Please attend the City Council meeting Jan. 9th at 6pm and stay for public participation at the end of the agenda. See for you self who is representing your best interests. PLEASE ATTEND

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