In 2016 I backed Karin Wilson and the current city council, which includes Burrell Boone and Brown. I got one out of four right, Karin Wilson. I was wrong in trusting Burrell, Boone or Brown but I wanted to believe them when they said that they were independent individuals with only Fairhope’s best interest at heart. What total BS that turned out to be, all three have betrayed Fairhope and used their elected office for personal gain.

In 2020, I am again backing Mayor Wilson who deserves another term to finish many of the projects started in the first term.

If you are a teacher you must have a college education to teach, just like many professions. Education is important in our society. As we speak, our teachers are working especially hard to educate our children. It is driven in every child’s head that education counts.

Fairhope has 4 candidates running for Mayor, 3 with college degrees, one, Sullivan, with a high school education.

Let’s not FORGET the Oil Slick candidate. The “good Vibes” BP guy on the paddle board, who wants you to forget the BP Oil Spill and the corruption it spawned in Fairhope. Just mellow and have “good Vibes”, forget the corruption, that is the message written on the paddle board.

Our Former Mayor and former State Senator, while Sullivan was employed, stole 639,000 dollars of BP grant money.

Most of all let’s not forget “good vibes” pledge not to have anything to do with CATALYST. We will see if he is covered in oil or clean on Aug. 26th.

Mayor Wilson has a degree in finance, is a small business owner, where she has made good use of the degree for 25 years. Mayor Wilson has also been Mayor for 4 grueling years subjected to bullying, lying and deceit, delivered by a CATALYST council.

The citizens of Fairhope had better use their education and decide on a Mayor with experience and education.

Sullivan was fired in 2017 since then she has had three jobs and resigned from the last one.

Sullivan proudly represents Catalyst, who is sponsoring her, and her get even attitude will certainly result in multiple firings in city hall. if elected. Since 2016, she has worked for the city, an internet company, Foley Main Street and most recently, Riviera Utilities, where she resigned. One job a year for 4 years? Think about that.

Mayor Wilson, who has had the same job for 4 years, reversed an annual 6 million dollar debt to fiscal health. Increased city and utility cash funds 59.18%: 17 million. Paid off city long term debt and paid down utility debt 33%. The Mayor obtained 23 million in grants and restoration funds. The Mayor also introduced responsible growth objectives and came up with a infrastructure revitalization plan, without borrowing money. She also increased dramatically overall citizen engagement. Her accomplishments were rewarded with 4 Nappi Awards, For The Hardest Working Elected Official on the Eastern Shore.

CATALYST and the three B’s have never received any awards.

The thing that has this election so hot is that Mayor Wilson, in addition to the above, Scrutinized, Identified and Eliminated wasteful contractors. She successfully stopped the majority of corruption within city hall. These wasteful contractors represent CATALYST, who has been supported by the three B’s, Burrell Boone and Brown. They want control and they want Sullivan to carry the water.

Re- electing the 3 B’s and electing a high school graduate, who is a fired employee of the city, that sued the city, without ever explaining why, is “GOING BACKWARDS”. Use your education to determine the best EDUCATED and QUALIFIED candidates. This is a Municipal election not a popularity contest.

Study the signs in Fairhope, CATALYST/ Scott Boone candidates all have their signs together, they want a CATALYST block vote. If you have a Catalyst Mayor and a Catalyst council you are guaranteed corruption. Think how stupid this is: CATALYST is run by councilman Boone’s son, Scott, talk about an inside deal!

The three incumbent city councilmen, 3 B’s, also face challengers next week. Jack Burrell, Robert Brown and Kevin Boone will face Deb Hokpkins, Howell Gibbens and Joshua Gammon on the ballot, respectively.

Hopkins, Gibbens, and Gammon represent new fresh candidates with no ties to CATALYST. The Fairhope City Council will have the opportunity to rid itself of CATALYST and the self serving B’s.

A special on the CATALYST three B’s and their accumulative corruption while in office will be featured soon.