“(ethics) An inner sense which distinguishes what is right from what is wrong, functioning as a guide (like the needle of a compass) for morally appropriate behavior.”

Fairhope City Council has lost it’s moral compass. The Council recognizes wrong for right, they have created a new norm that defies logic. The Council along with the Police Chief, used their elected positions to attack the Mayor in a special meeting.

The Police Chief was on duty the night of the ambush “special” meeting. He nor Mr Burrell controlled the crowd, quite the opposite they instigated and encouraged the crowd to be unruly.

This is the latest orchestrated stunt by the City Council President, Jack Burrell, and disgruntled former employees of the city. These employees have been fired, quit their positions or retired. The Police Chief lined up with these performers against the Mayor in a Public Meeting choreographed to embarrass the Mayor. Fortunately for the City of Fairhope these poor excuses of former employees have all been replaced by far superior employees.

Mr Burrell has turned the City of Fairhope into a shining example of what happens when you lose your moral compass.

How does Mr Burrell have any credibility? He has no moral compass, in fact his closet is full of examples of an elected official drunk on power and booze.

Consider just a “few” of the incidents Mr Burrell has been involved with. The Fairhope Airport and the bid he help secure for another Board member and the Fairhope Municipal Judge. Mr Burrell was accepting free plane transportation from the same bidders, prior to awarding them the Bid.

Mr Burrell has led the charge for the Airport Authority to maintain ownership of the title to the Airport, instead of the city who has made all the mortgage payments.

Mr Burrell ran for office and never acknowledged a police record, he lied to the entire community and this is who we have as a Council President! Look very closely at the “sealed” records.

Mr. Burrell is also currently involved in a Federal lawsuit involving his actions as Council President. The City of Fairhope is paying his legal bills, that means YOU the taxpayer.

Tonight is a regularly scheduled City Council meeting, beginning at 6 pm. Please plan to attend, support the Mayor. As a citizen you can choose to have a moral compass or Fairhope will return to the criminal enterprise that it was prior to Mayor Wilson.