Fairhope City Council has decided to pay fired employees rather than going to court, so we the public never know the whole truth surrounding the firing in the first place. Remember it was the council who came to the defense of the those fired, they then assisted them in their efforts to sue the city. Ultimately, in executive session the same council votes to pay up. It’s only insurance money, but we pay the insurance.

All the hell raising the council did over the firing of two employees and the hiring freeze, now they bury it? Get ready taxpayers the next ex employee now expects her check signed and SEALED.

This is the council overriding the Mayor and then rewarding those who got fired. But what do you expect when the Council President himself “come fly with me” Burrell has the ethics commission to hide behind.

Fairhope has a history of lawsuits that has cost the taxpayers millions. Good ole Jack help settle the triangle lawsuit behind everyone’s back. He used the change of agenda trick to be sure none of the public was aware of what was going on, until it was to late.

Fairhope City Council now is looking at a light at the end of a tunnel. Due to their obstruction of the Mayor and recent decisions of the council, lawsuits are the light. Potentially four suits are being considered, again I stress this is due to council actions. A fifth lawsuit is pending related to Fly Creek Apartments. Three involve planning and zoning, however unlike in the past, planning and zoning made the right decision and council overrode their decision. The first lawsuit may be announced as early as next week.

Council President Burrell claimed he was the mediator, he and the council, need to get ready to mediate.