Sorry about no FREAKY FRIDAY, but after 6 weeks confinement and absolutely beautiful weather, I had to have a “beach fix” on Friday and it took all day.

Every voting citizen in Fairhope should read the recent cover story in Lagniappe, A TALE OF TWO CITIES. It is a look at the other “side” of Fairhope — the gap between affluent and working poor.

This Lagniappe article has a paywall, however is free at news stands, get your Lagniappe today

The author Lynn Oldshue, an investigative reporter for Lagniappe, a reporter for Alabama Public Radio, storyteller with Our Southern Souls is also an administrator for the Facebook group Fairhope Now.

It is a very compelling story about the makeup of Fairhope, affluent vs. poor. Lynn has written what has been a sad reality in Fairhope for many years.

The major reason such disparity exists is that the municipal government of Fairhope has always represented the status quo.

POLITICS is the cause, POWER is the means. After reading the article ask yourself what you can do to help people in need?

Mayor Wilson, and her twin Kelly, have been working in the African American community years before the Mayor was elected. Mayor Wilson is the first Mayor of Fairhope to reach out to the African American community. Prior to this administration the black community was ignored except at election time and minorities were rarely hired by the city, which is not the case now.

The Mayor’s efforts have been blocked by the council who operates like a criminal enterprise.

The recent action of the City Council to purchase land for recreation, $2.65 million, near the Airport and not near the poorer neighborhoods was political, racist and typical of this council — a Faux hope move.

The Mayor fought passionately for a location that favored the most kids, her mistake was the kids were minorities.


After living in Fairhope for 27 years and doing the Ripp Report for 14+ years, I would call it a tale of three cities.

FAIRHOPE: The affluent are to busy to participate in municipal government and are quite willing to believe what they may hear while gossiping over wine. What is most important to them is that they live in “Fairhope”.

NO-HOPE: are the working poor, those working and living paycheck to paycheck.

NO-Hope is the African American Community, living in Fairhope with No Hope.

No-Hope is being completely ignored by the City Council and abused by a corrupt judicial system.

No Hope is NO Money.

FAUX-HOPE This community has flowers and hides behind them. FAUX HOPE is fake. What you see and what you hear is not reality.

Faux-Hope is the vehicle for corruption and the cover for accountability.

Faux-Hope is the status quo, the good ole boys.

FAUX HOPE depends on Fairhope and No Hope to maintain control.

Faux-Hope is CATALYST.

Pastor Chris Bell 3 Circle Church:

People see Fairhope as a flourishing utopia where people build bigger and bigger houses, with a boat, the perfect kids and the perfect life. Fairhope’s prosperity and perfect surface is a veneer that covers deeper problems. But there is something darker underneath the veneer. Under the surface of Fairhope, more families struggle than we want to admit or imagine. Some people are hurting, getting left behind and forgotten.

FAUX-HOPE capital city of CATALYST.