DEAR NEW FAIRHOPE VOTERS: This municipal elections can be won by the young voters that have not voted before and those of you who have moved to Fairhope in the last 10 years. PLEASE READ

Today, less than a third of Fairhope’s citizens can say they are actually from Fairhope. Most of us are not from here; but we all call it home. We were drawn to the Eastern Shore because of its picturesque, postage stamp vitality, quaint quality of life, and eclectic nature. Many of us in our twilight years, have chosen to retire here; others are just beginning a life, a career and a family. Every resident values Fairhope Every one of us wants to maintain what we have; we agree that there must be a limit to growth, and that which is allowed must be controlled, so that our investment here is not lost to the blissful ignorance of the times. We still believe that Fairhope is a special place worth fighting for.

If you share these concerns, and value your home, your property and your rightful place in Fairhope, Alabama, then this voter guide is written with you in mind.



Four years ago, in 2016, on the eve of the municipal election, it was announced that the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office Elections Division was sending a legal representative to Fairhope to oversee the voting and the counting of the votes for official tabulation. The result of the chaperoned election was that the incumbent Mayor, Timothy Kant, was defeated by a 400-plus vote margin by current Mayor Wilson, first women Mayor of Fairhope, and bookstore proprietor, Karin Wilson, was at the time, a political novice. After the election it was learned that the Alabama Secretary of State Office had received numerous complaints regarding election tampering during the 2008 and 2012 voting cycles, and decided to send someone to Fairhope to investigate. It proved to be critical, as the incumbent of 16 years was defeated by the city’s first woman head of state.


While the mayor was defeated in historic fashion, the council was nonetheless populated by five individuals selected by the previous mayor and his compromised minions. This created a problem for the new mayor, as she lacked a single friend on the council, which is made up of men friendly to the building and development industry.

During the last four years the current council has done everything possible to thwart the mayor’s efforts to improve planning and growth management, as well improve its physical infrastructure used to process and treat wastewater and storm water. The good ole boys on the council, CATALYST, consider it their show; and are more intent on making insider deals that enrich themselves, than they are taking care of public business that will protect and promote our life quality.


The future of the City of Fairhope lies in your hands. It is new voters like yourself who will determine the outcome. Fairhope is the fastest growing city in the State of Alabama. It has grown too fast, threatening the very quality of life you came here for.

There are four races up for grabs. The results of these contests will determine Fairhope’s future–whether or not it remains the sought after, idyllic destination; or becomes an unthinkable glut of prefabricated homes, overcrowded schools, clogged roads and overflowing sewers bleeding into the bay. All four races have CATALYST/Scott Boone Candidates.

THE 3 B’s


Incumbent Jack Burrell versus. Deb Hopkins. Burrell is a dubious character on an insane power trip. He refused local blogger Paul Ripp his right to free speech during public participation. Ripp sued the City “CATALYST” council in federal court, and was vindicated with a monetary settlement. Burrell has served as President of the council for eight years, refusing to relinquish his grip on the questionable governing body.

Burrell’s last four years have left a trail of corruption from the Airport, bid rigging, to lying about the Triangle lawsuit, voting himself full family insurance and the insane purchase of 2.65 million for farmland as recreational property and then leasing it for 9000 a year back to farmers because no funds were available for development. Burrell has held the position of council president for an unprecedented 8 years, with the expectation that he might replace the Mayor. Burrell bragged shortly after the election that he “was going to drive the Mayor nuts and out of office. He did a damn good job but he could not break her. Burrell is the absolute worst kind of elected official, with a police record he never disclosed prior to the last election.

DEB HOPKINS is running against Jack, she is a fresh face and not CATALYST. Deb is honest, a quality Jack knows nothing about. This is Fairhope’s opportunity to vote out Burrell and CATALYST .Please check out Deb’s site for more information. Fairhope needs a woman on the council and who would better to replace Jack than a woman? That would be fate and karma rolled into one.

Move Ahead with Deb Facebook Group


Kevin Boone is the father of, Scott Boone, the self-proclaimed head of the local machine, formerly known as “CATALYST.” The new name Scott Boone Consulting is one in the same. Son and father make a good team, just remember it is not your team. This outfit is known for recruiting and electing local candidates so that they can control things. Boone and his son have been featured in the spider graph detailing the Strawman fraud, in Lagniappe. This land fraud story will tell you just what CATALYST is all about. Boone has numerous llc’s. All related to developments, some he voted on. Please read the whole story. You can vote Kevin, Scott and CATALYST out with one vote. Boone has many more llc’s than he has declared, this is just two. Notice the name John Avant, his name also appears in the “Strawman” series, Boone’s partner in llc’s.

JOSHUA GAMMON a young man NOT connected with CATALYST, is Boone’s challenger. Joshua brings youth to the table. Who has more at stake in Fairhope than the younger generation? This is an addition to the council that is long over due.


Incumbent Robert Brown is fleecing our hometown. Brown has landed several large public contracts while serving just four years on the city council. He currently has an ethics complaint filed against him for using his public office for personal gain. This complaint has been filed with the Alabama Attorney General. Brown used his office and inside information to land a contract for the concession building at the soccer fields and the Fairhope Art Center contract, both totaled close to a million dollars. Not bad for a councilman, that is what CATALYST is about.

Make a change from a self serving politician, who loves to use semantics to avoid telling the truth, to a fresh face on the council that can speak with a straight tongue.

HOWELL GIBBENS is running against Brown and he would be a huge improvement over the CATALYST Brown who has fleeced his hometown.


Incumbent, one term, Karin Wilson has accomplished more in 4 years than the past administration did in 16 years. She has had to fight the CATALYST council for 4 years and now they have political ads claiming accomplishments of the Mayor.

Fairhope cannot afford to go backwards and backwards we will go if we allow CATALYST in office. The CATALYST candidate for Mayor is a fired disgruntled employee who sued the city. She has limited experience, no accomplishment to speak of, a high school education and is sponsored by CATALYST, Scott Boone and Kevin Boone. CATALYST is running Sherry for THEIR Mayor, Karin is running to be YOUR Mayor. Sherry was part of a corrupt administration we voted out in 2016.



Simply said: Please vote Aug 25th and vote for Our Mayor Karin Wilson for her second term and allow her to follow up on numerous projects and grants she has already started.

For Council: do not vote for anyone of the incumbents, the three B’s,