Fairhope voters, we did it once and now we have to do it again. And that is show our mayor support and remind the city council the majority won the election. Our council has been under the influence of the minority and turning a blind eye to the majority. They have allowed previous personal friendships to take front seat to city issues, following senior councilmen down a path of falsehoods. The newly elected council, three members, have been convinced— so far, that facts are fiction, such as the airport scandal.


After the firings of two employees, and before anyone had any facts, the council’s knee jerk reaction was to imposed a hiring freeze to punish the mayor. They followed that up by setting a precedent in Fairhope by rejecting the mayor’s choices for the board of the Airport Authority and certain hires. The council begged for the city budget, which the mayor presented three weeks ago— and now the council is slow to approve it? Then came a petition to recall the mayor, in three weeks they have yet to reach 300 signatures and the names are anonymous, some even fake or not voters.

Two Councilmen, Boone and Burrell, are slowing down city business and trying to grind the mayor to a halt. Supporting them, hiding in the shadows, is Catalyst.

Catalyst Associates was formed Aug. 11, 2014, with Michael Scott Boone and Lynn Stacey listed as managers and Coley M. Boone as its registered agent. That is none other than Councilmen Boone’s son. Catalyst is the illegitimate brain child of Elliott, Haygood and Stacy a political group who’s claim to fame was that 100% of their candidates won election. That is until FAIR elections came to Fairhope and low and behold we elected a new mayor. That has not stopped their dirty tricks nor their efforts to discredit the Mayor by any means possible. The Baldwin Insider, an anonymous nonsensical blog has Catalyst fingerprints all over it. The “insider” is an appropriate name for a group representing good ole boys, and make no mistake that is who they represent, Catalyst is the polar opposite of what we want Fairhope to be.

They started a petition which has less than 300 signatures in three weeks and now that a counter petition supporting the mayor has surfaced they want us to stop petitions! In three days the mayor’s petition, https://www.change.org/p/city-of-fairhope-city-council-let-our-mayor-do-her-job has almost 300 signatures on line and more being collected by paper petition. Do not be left out.

PLEASE if you voted in Fairhope in the last election for the mayor. Or you have accepted to support Mayor Wilson— sign the petition. This is very very important it comes down to either we go with self serving politicians or we support a mayor that is a public servant. Mayor Wilson ran for mayor as a calling. She knew Fairhope needed a new direction in government and no-one was willing to challenge the previous mayor. The good ole boys, Catalyst, got caught off guard by a fair election and they are now trying to regain power by undermining our elected government.

