The Fairhope’s political Zoo is alive and well. Their is a full blown blast from the past party going on. The party goers are former City Council persons, Catalyst Council persons, three bees, fired employees, employees who quit, a skunk, W.A.C.O am radio, and of course Chucky Cheeze. This blast from the past now wants to reshape Fairhope’s government. They have all failed at their former positions however have united their wisdom to bless the City of Fairhope with their version of “new” government. Uniting their wisdom was necessary.

As usual they started with a plan that they quickly changed once they saw they would loose control, instead of gaining control, of Fairhope’s government.

Zunk the Skunk led the Charge.

The three bee’s are totally against any change, they know to hold on to power, and continue on the gravy train, they must keep the City elections “at large.” At large enables Catalyst to come up with slates of candidates and deceive the voters

The Mayor’s recommendation, that reduces the Mayors “power”, is to support the council/manager form of government that has only two, at large positions, Mayor and one Council person and three councilpersons representing three districts. This has been discussed for years but City Council’s in the past enjoyed NOT being responsible to anyone. At large means just that “at large” not one council person is responsible to any one area or district in town. The end result is citizens find it hard to get any councilperson to accept responsibility for anything, they can stay hidden.

The Mayor is putting the City first. The City Council is putting themselves first.

Fairhope has a bee problem. King bee Council Jack Burrell has so much luggage he can hardly walk.

First is his Airport Scandal and his ability to keep the Airport out of the City’s hands. Folks the Airport smells worse than a skunk.

Let’s not forget Jack’s police report, that he has blamed on his son?

Jack also has a reputation of denying citizens their Constitutional right of free speech.

Jack also has several allegations involving his drinking. He got in an argument, in front of witnesses, while drunk, at a local bar, McSherry’s, and threaten the owner, “ that he was a councilman and would shut them down.” Seems like the owner and Jack kissed and made up because McSherry’s now has a J. Burrell sandwich on the menu. I would not recommend it.

The second Bee is no other than grandpa Catalyst, Kevin Boone, father of Scott Boone the head of the snake, Catalyst. Boone is infamous for his relationship to John Avant of Prebble Rish. Prebble Rish supported Papa Boone for office and contributes to the Catalyst cause, themselves. Mr Boone has more llc’s than a zebra has stripes.

Boone is a loyalist to the former Mayor, Can’t, and has openly pledged not to work with Mayor Wilson for any reason. He is the conduit to the Courier”s scribbler editor, Chuckee Cheese. Boone filters all his knowledge about the city to his son, baby Boone, and Chuckee then comes up with tabloid news. Boone’s connections go back 30 years and God only knows how much money he has fleeced from Fairhope. Rumor is authorities are now interested in who all Boone has stung.


Do you see any conflicts here? Many llc’s have disappeared from the Sec. Of State web site, shortly after being exposed to the public

The third bee is the newest, Down home, Robert Brown, aka The Jester.

Since being elected, Brown has hit the honey hole. First he secured soccer field contracts and then went onto pool his connections to the Single Tax Colony. Brown’s construction business partner is Cliff Pittman, a director of Single Tax. Mr Pittman voted for the contribution to the Art Center from the Single Tax. He also recommended that the contractor to be used by Single Tax should be a Fairhope Contractor. PAY ATTENTION Mr Brown is a councilman and on the Board of the Art Center. HE HAD INSIDE INFORMATION ON THE SINGLE TAX CONTRIBUTION. Mr Brown then took a page out of the Jack Burrel playbook on how to award a contract. Brown appoints himself the person in charge to get bids for the Art Center work. He reports back to the board that he could not find a Fairhope contractor, he got NO bids, so he awarded the bid to himself and Cliff Pittman. That is a sweetheart deal.

He now faces Ethics charges, which usually carry’s little or no weight, however this is an election year and certain candidates have been made aware of Brown’s antics and seem interested in, “How in the hell does that happen in Fairhope”.

Mr. Brown is enjoying those profits and is building a new home on Fly Creek, what irony!

The three Bee’s are, and have been stinging Fairhope for years, this is our Council leadership? For the last 18 months the council’s only achievement is obstruction. This Council should prove, to even the most ignorant, that the “At Large” is not working. Three Council members are holding the City hostage!

The Ripp Report prediction is that one or more of the present Fairhope City Council will Not serve out their term.

Fairhope can choose to follow the loser mentality, supporting at large elections, which allows the loser’s to slate candidates in elections. This will change nothing and the City will be held back at a time we need to move forward.

The Council/Manager Government with the Mayor and one City council person at large and three council seats, representing districts is a move forward.