Tomorrow citizens of Fairhope will go to the polls, rain or shine. Most citizens do not understand some of the inner political workings of the city, like appointments.

The Municipal Judge is appointed by the City Council, as well as the Municipal Attorney. Both these positions are hold overs from the past corrupt administration. Mayor Wilson pleaded with the council to consider a new appointment for each position. The council, led by Burrell for the last 8 years, ignored the citizens seeking change and immediately appointed Marcus McDowell as Attorney and reinstated Judge Snedeker.

The council, Burrell, Boone and Brown are all supporting Sherry Sullivan. The judge, the largest land owner and developer in Fairhope, supports Sullivan. The city attorney has a Sullivan sign at his attorney’s office. They are part of the Catalyst/Scott Boone Consulting CABAL. Sullivan, vastly unqualified, is their choice for a ribbon cutting Mayor, she is subject to the CABAL.

Some citizens think it unfair to point out that she has only a high school education was fired by the city, which she sued. She has had 4 jobs in 4 years! Those same critics also think a football game is more important than a municipal forum. The foot ball game that did not practice social distancing or masks, which received negative National and State Media coverage as well as a scolding from Principals, Teachers and Board of Education. In addition to taking those risks Sullivan “shook hands with 3000 people” and handed out FANS, during a pandemic. These are not the necessary qualifications for Mayor. It was also Sullivan and Burrell that wanted to take “a chance” on the Arts and Crafts show. Mayor Wilson’s position was NO, that it was to big of a health risk. It is not unfair to point out FACTS.

CATALYST/Scott Boone Consulting, represents, exclusively, special interest that will endangering Fairhope’s quality of life, property values, schools and unbridled sprawl. Each and every one of these individuals are intricately linked to one another. It is a cabal of individuals that feel entitled to the spoils of elected office.

In 2016 Fairhope was lifted out of 16 years of blatant corruption which also landed Fairhope on some insurance companies, blacklist. Mayor Wilson’s accomplishments in 4 years, surpass the previous administration’s 16 years. Wilson also stopped the inter corruption within Fairhope City Hall, however she was unable to stop the council, Burrell, Boone and Brown from feeding off their office for personal gain.

So here is your choice Fairhope go with the CABAL or insert the GOLDEN KEY

The GOLDEN KEY is vote out the council, Burrell Boone and Brown, which gives the new council the ability to vote for a new Municipal Judge and Municipal Attorney, unrelated to the status quo. If Fairhope can do this, then the external corruption related to the council will end. Mayor Wilson deserves another term, especially if the GOLDEN KEY fits.