The quality of life has diminished in Fauxhope. The small quaint town of Fauxhope is disappearing and being swallowed up by development. The disconnect between the City Council and Mayor and the community is a mile wide. It is no secret that both council and Mayor were supported by developers. The result of that has increased traffic and caused further strain on an already taxed infrastructure. City priorities are decided by very few people and council meetings are a waste of time.
Water has been an issue for several years however the city pours money into parks, tunnels and moving a “hermits” house under the pretense of a tourist attraction. Parks instead of infrastructure, a tunnel instead of water tanks or solving the sewer issues. Moving a Hermit house to make way for development, which they omitted to tell the public. What about the overburdened sewer plant and the health of the bay?
The Mayor draws full salary as Mayor and Utility Director. She has no qualifications as a utility director; it was a reward for being elected by developers. Here’s something else they have not told you, that they got a whole year in office, with a salary and full health insurance, without a single vote being cast, FAUXHOPE for sure.
I bet only 1 or 2 % of the voters in Fairhope know that not one city councilperson, the mayor or the appointed municipal attorney and municipal judge have been elected or appointed for their 5th year in office. The Alabama legislature thought it necessary to postpone municipal elections in 2024 due to the presidential election. A free year in office, full family insurance and the ability to make decisions for Fairhope’s future, without a single vote cast. Only in Alabama.
Fauxhope had best replace the Council and Mayor in the next election, 2025. We need new candidates that are not married to special interests. Citizens should pay close attention to the 10 million dollar waterfront project which has had numerous changes from the citizen approved concept. When you see what you get for 10 million you will be shocked but don’t be shocked because the construction company awarded the project will be a supporter of the Mayor and Council in the next election.
FAUXHOPE propaganda publication CITY SKETCHES paints a picture of this idyllic bay side community. The truth is that it is a good ole boy town and has a high level of local government corruption.
To clean it up and get back to Fairhope, the Mayor, Council, municipal judge and municipal attorney all need to be replaced. A utility director, with credentials, should head up our utility departments. We need a full time fire department and most importantly a city manager.
Wake up Fauxhope