Fauxhope has a new City Council Crier, Councilman Cory Martin. This is no surprise the balance of the council hides from the public and rarely return phone calls. This also goes for the unqualified Utility Director and developer candidate/ Mayor. So Cory will be the new uninformed spokesperson, and, sacrificial lamb, for the Fauxhope council.

For those that are just catching up, Fauxhope government, Mayor, Council, Municipal Judge and Municipal Attorney all were supported 100% by special interests, developers, and good ole boys. They OWN Fauxhope.

Cory has not been seen in the African American community, which he pledged to support. Where you be?

Cory the Crier is yapping about water, infrastructure issues, and his avid support for the Municipal Judges project. The rest of the council is sitting back letting him make a fool of himself. These issues have existed, and been ignored, for 20 years and they know it.

The below video is not rocket science. Why was this not done 20 even 30 years ago? Truth is, that Fauxhope did not want an increase in the African American residents in Fauxhope. Same thing with the duck pond and beach, those fees started to eliminate or restrict non resident African Americans from Mobile picnicking on the beach.

The Fairhope City Council could soon vote on an ordinance that would require people to annex inside city limits before tapping into Fairhope water. Councilman Corey Martin introduced the ordinance during the council’s regular meeting rescheduled for Tuesday night.

Cory the Crier went on TV supporting the Fauxhope Municipal Judges east side project. Watch the video. The priority is infrastructure for commercial projects. It is obvious that Cory has bitten the poison apple of developers. The council will have to approve the Judges project and the council appoints the Judge. It will pass with flying colors.

He says with this project the utilities are already being worked on before the build even starts.

“We actually have a water line that is coming for the ALDI store and all of the infrastructure that is coming to the east side, so people have to know that we’re also prepared with the infrastructure. We’re not just developing. The infrastructure is there to develop,” said Martin.

Another fun fact: Ask Cory the Crier to explain how the city is paying over $500,000.00 a year for full family insurance for the council and mayor. There term will cost taxpayers 2.5 million in full family insurance costs. I wonder how many wells you could dig for 2.5 million?


Ask the Mayor/Utility Director and Council where is there report of the state of the city?

The State of the City

Or there Fairhope Budget Overview?



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