“While the State of Alabama’s total electorate ultimately denied Roy Moore from taking the oath of office as a United States Senator, the City of Fairhope and Baldwin County as a whole, voted for an alleged pedophile and a man twice removed for being unfit to hold office. It should be noted that the City of Daphne voted for the winner, Doug Jones, providing hope for the future. Alabama needs to move away from straight ticket voting. One third of the ballots cast in the election were straight ticket checkoffs. Straight ticket voting is what gave Alabama Roy Moore. Interestingly, with consideration to the heavy black turnout statewide and that Jones received an unprecedented 97 percent of the black vote, one could argue it was straight ticket voting that elected Jones. Moving forward, Jones must appeal to Alabama’s total electorate–not just the left; or he won’t be re-elected. His term is only for two years, so he has but a little time to acquaint himself with the voters who put him in office. The republicans are going to come at him hard so it will be interesting to see how Jones defines himself once he takes the oath.”

I use to refer to Fairhope as Fauxhope, before the last election, mainly because the city had this cool reputation that attracted people from all over the country. Quality of life was the magnet, and it worked, our population doubled in ten years. All those new citizens soon found out Fairhope was considered Nohope or Fauxhope, by many, and that the local politics were as rotten as a ton of fish left on the dock for a month.

Tim Kant ran Fairhope as his own dynasty which was run like organized crime. Everyone knew it but no one could unseat Kant most employees and well connected developers protected Kant and turn their heads from the stink to insure their own status. Their was no accountability, no transparency and certainly no municipal ethics in how the town was run.

Even the local elections were suspected as being rigged and after the last election, monitored by the Sec. Of State, many now feel vindicated for their suspicions.

I used to think that is was low voter turnout, straight ticket voting and Kant loyalists that were responsible for such corrupt government. It was all three, but one other factor has now emerged, the Moore Factor, that gives us an accurate percentage of people that put their Political party ahead of their city or country.

In Fairhope it explains a lot, 30% voted and 62% were for Moore and Jones received 37%. Daphne and Mobile county went with Jones.

That 62% , cared less about any of the allegations against Moore or what the world’s opinion was of Fairhope. Thank God we had many who protested and rallied voters to reject Moore. That 62% as well as the non voters, aided and abetted Kant with his corrupt stranglehold. Kant was a tabloid salesman who used small local papers and even smaller radio stations to sell his snake oil, Jack Burrell is the new Kant.

That 62% will stand behind Jack Burrell and the council while their noses are shaved off their faces. They will reject fact for fiction and wave a Bible before a flag. They will follow Burrell and his lock step council to hell before they do any soul searching for the truth.

The 70% who did not vote are even more responsible for the corruption.

The last Ripp Report advised everyone to watch Burrell and the budget.

This is Kant 101 and he taught Jack well.

The current Fairhope City Council achieved less in their first year than any council in the last 20 years.

The Mayor, Karin Wilson has achieved more I one year than anyone would have expected and she did it without any help of the council.

Is it Fairhope or Fauxhope?



PS The Ripp Report was working on a special Christmas Gift, sorry it did not work out, however it will be a New Year’s Gift.