Fauxhope elected a council and mayor that represent the godfathers of the Fairhope good ole boys. This council and mayor are back to Mayor Can’t days. The city attorney is put in place to protect “THEIR” agenda. The municipal judge is a major developer in Fauxhope and his developments must meet the approval of the council that “APPOINTED” him as municipal judge.

It would not surprise me if less that 10 people in Fauxhope really know what their city government is doing. They are good at vanity awards and public relations but their track record is costing Fauxhope taxpayers millions.

Let’s start with the infamous triangle. The city lost the two decade lawsuit and had to fork out 8.25 million. They spent 3 million on legal fees, the attorneys for the city pledged to pay the money if they lost. They did not pay but got brand new offices. The city drained 3 million from utilities to pay off the lawsuit. The city has rejected many proposals for the triangle. A preforming arts center, A good ole boy deal got Publix to go across the street with their select developer. The city tried to give it away as a conservation easement, proposed an archery range, all without success. At one time it was proposed to locate the city hall and all departments, including a fire station on the triangle piece. That is the best idea so far.

Why not develop the property across the street eliminate the tunnel and hold on to the triangle land. Spending a million dollars on land, that exceeds 20 million in value, does not seem to be prudent. This project will be like the ones listed below. No long range plan or financing.

This week City of Fairhope officials unveiled a new masterplan for the site, including an underground tunnel that will connect two properties and a new purpose for a home that was donated to the city late last year.

Scott Hutchinson of Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, told city council members on Monday, March 14 that plans are ready, but the council will need to make final decisions on some details.

The beach has been left out of the plans and it was the number one thing citizens wanted. The project is almost 3 years behind? How much have plans and alterations to the plans cost.

Pay attention Fairhope, Jack has plans for the Airport and the citizens are not part of the plan.

On May 29th council meeting the Mayor of Fairhope begged the council to reconsider two issues on the agenda. One, the conservation easement involving the triangle property, 102 acres worth 20 million, that the council was willing to give away while at the same time proposing to buy 2.6 million of property on hwy.13. Fairhope paid 8.25 million in a lawsuit plus 3 million in attorney fees as a SETTLEMENT for the property. Burrell and Boone supported the lawsuit that they LOST.

The pied piper spent 2.65 million on recreation land that Fairhope now leases for $9,000 dollars a year. Guess where the property is located? By the Airport, Who puts recreational facilities, with elevated lights, next to an Airport?

How about the K-1 purchase for 4 million? Just like any of the purchases the city has made lately, they bought it without a plan. Because they had no plan. The council then had to do about 100,000 worth of “temporary” roof repairs to prevent further damage. Since the purchase, the building has deteriorated to a point that only the front facade may be saved.

K-1 Listen to facts, because what you have now is BS.

Robinson said. “You have to house Mardi Gras here. It’s going to take some strategic thinking to do that, if, and when, that decision is made to do something like that, but it’s a conversation at this point that’s got to be had at some point.”

The building is over 50 years old and the council keeps putting one million dollar band aids on it.

He says with this project the utilities are already being worked on before the build even starts. “We actually have a water line that is coming for the ALDI store and all of the infrastructure that is coming to the east side, so people have to know that we’re also prepared with the infrastructure. We’re not just developing. The infrastructure is there to develop,” said Martin.

Listen to Mr Martin carefully: You are paying for the infrastructure, the taxpayers. This project is being developed by Fauxhope’s municipal judge and partners.

No conflict of interest ????

Ask the city council where the land use plan is or the comprehensive plan?

It’s called FAUXHOPE for a reason.


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