Mr. Gary Thorson, of Forever Fairhope, a political action committee, is another NO vote.
Gary says that “the whole purpose is to change the whole power structure of the city.”
Well Gary you need to play the lotto because you are the winner. You are absolutely right and here is why:
Alabama is the most corrupt State in the United States and Baldwin County is in competition with Jefferson County as the most corrupt county in Alabama. THAT IS A FACT
Let that soak in!
The CATALYST NO vote motto says it all:
How about if you don’t know, find out, investigate, educate yourself. Just saying NO is like straight ticket voting. It requires NO thought process.
This slogan questions your intelligence and asks you to remain ignorant.
VOTING YES moves Fairhope forward, not backwards. VOTING YES means that Fairhope is going to have the most common form of Government. VOTING YES gives everyone representation and helps to prevent corruption by SPECIAL INTERESTS.