Commissioner Tucker Dorsey the citizens of Baldwin County have lost confidence in you.

You began your political life as a commissioner by firing the county manager, EMA director county attorneys and others.

Those fired just so happen to be the same county employees who tried to prevent Sen. Pittman from facing ethics charges related to the BP Grant. They were rewarded for their ethics by you, who fired them. As a County Commissioner you turned a blind eye to Sen. Pittman’s company receiving $750, 000, combined, contracts for BP Boom deployment. You closed your other eye by ignoring the fact that Sen. Pittman was  designated by Governor Riley as the “trustee” of the very funds he was suppose to oversee.

The Mega Site is a Mega Bust and has cost the county over 50 MILLION dollars, when you consider the lost opportunity. Year after year we hear the same story “it’s going to take awhile”. The citizens and employees of the county are tired of waiting.

Let’s not forget your stance on lowering the American Flag, or that CNN interview.

That really made Alabama and Baldwin County proud.

Your rebuttal to that story only raised more questions.

It was also interesting that you changed your name?

Your explanation as usual lacked clarity.

Who are you?

Let’s not forget the Mobile Area Boy Scouts and as a director you have as yet to do anything to stop the financial bleeding.

A lady recently explained to me that corruption in Baldwin County is like a plate of spaghetti, a tangled pile of noodles that ultimately touch each other. You Mr. Dorsey have called out the media to prove for once and all how many noodles you are touching.

Lagniappe deserves the credit for its investigative reporting.

It is obvious many of these articles took considerable time to research.

Lagniappe’s most recent article,

Too Many Connections looks like that plate of spaghetti. It is also clearing the smoke and revealing a FIRE.

All of this information and more will be part of an existing ethics complaint. If you know of any of Mr. Dorsey’s noodle connections please contact us. Mr. Dorsey is wearing Tim Kant shoes and will soon be leaving the building.